modulateurs DVB-S/S2 à utiliser avec un PC ou un Rpi

Download DATV-Easy v3.08

Messagede F1EJP » Lun 15 Avr 2024 19:43


Nouvelle version V3.08 compatible maintenant avec le HackRF One > Merci à SV9IOQ John pour son aide
et toujours le LimeSDR mini, PlutoSDR avec firmware constructeur et Pluto avec les firmware F5OEO.
Nouveauté par rapport à la version 3.05

- Ajout prise en charge du SDR HackRF en USB
- Meilleure prise en charge de l'ouverture et fermeture fenêtre ffmpeg si case coché.
- Correction bug sur codage AV1 soft qui plante..
- Plus besoin d'installer manuellement Eclipse Mosquitto
- b_ref_mode disabled pour certaines cartes NVIDIA qui plantent.
- Refonte graphique avec Onglet PTT et Onglet Monitoring séparés
- Ajout lecture des paramètres Device pour version Pluto DVB2: version Pluto , version Firmware , température, buffer
- Ajout démarrage automatique possible pour OBS
- Ajout possibilité de régler les paramètres preset ffmpeg > plus rapide pour pc lent ou diminuer la latence ou plus lent pour meilleure qualité !
- Ajout réglage coordonnées x y d'ouverture dans fichier param.ini

>>> ATTENTION suivez bien Le Manuel pour bien installer tous les drivers et logiciels nécessaires >>> sinon risque de non fonctionnement
>>> Installez toujours les dernières version des drivers de vos cartes graphique
Si vous avez un problème de fonctionnement vous pouvez me contacter ou demander également à Chris ON1RC qui as participé activement à la mise au point !

Si vous utilisez et appréciez mon logiciel et souhaitez soutenir de futurs projets,
j’apprécierais si vous pouviez m'offrir l'équivalent d'un simple café !
Vous pouvez faire un don via Paypal qui me servira à acheter du matériel spécifique de tests ou équipement SDR ou équipement informatique !



New version V3.08 now compatible with HackRF One > Thanks to SV9IOQ for is help
and always the LimeSDR mini, PlutoSDR with manufacturer firmware and Pluto with F5OEO firmware.
New compared to version 3.05

- Added support for HackRF SDR over USB
- Better support for opening and closing ffmpeg window if box checked.
- Fixed bug on AV1 soft coding which crashes..
- No need to manually install Eclipse Mosquitto anymore
- b_ref_mode disabled for certain NVIDIA cards that crash.
- Graphic redesign with separate PTT Tab and Monitoring Tab
- Added reading of Device parameters for Pluto DVB2 version: Pluto version, Firmware version, temperature, buffer
- Added automatic start possible for OBS
- Added possibility to adjust ffmpeg preset parameters > faster for slow PC or reduce latency or slower for better quality!
- Added opening x y coordinate setting in param.ini file

>>> WARNING follow the Manual carefully to properly install all the necessary drivers and software >>> otherwise there is a risk of non-operation
>>> Always install the latest versions of your graphics card drivers
If you have an operating problem you can contact me or also ask Chris ON1RC who actively participated in the development !

If you use and like my software and would like to support future projects,
I would appreciate if you could offer me the equivalent of a simple coffee !
You can make a donation via Paypal which will be used to purchase specific testing equipment or SDR equipment or IT equipment!

73 Dominique F1EJP
Fichiers joints
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Messages: 112
Inscription: 13 Mar 2018

Re: Download DATV-Easy v3.08

Messagede Jabi » Mar 16 Avr 2024 04:50

Dominique: All is working 100% ok. Congratulations for your work.
Messages: 12
Inscription: 16 Oct 2022

Re: Download DATV-Easy v3.08

Messagede F1EJP » Mer 17 Avr 2024 19:48

Hello Jabi,
Thank you for your participation and tests return
73 Dominique F1EJP
Messages: 112
Inscription: 13 Mar 2018

Re: Download DATV-Easy v3.08

Messagede F4HSL » Lun 22 Avr 2024 07:45

Hello Dominique, merci pour ton logiciel. J'ai essayé le codage AV1 hardware avec une carte Nvidia RTX4090 mais ça plante (message d'erreur ffmpeg). As-tu essayé de ton côté ?
Meilleures 73
Yves (F4HSL)
Messages: 28
Inscription: 23 Sep 2017

Re: Download DATV-Easy v3.08

Messagede LX1US. » Lun 22 Avr 2024 23:20

merci ca marche bien mais je n`arive pas a démarrer obs auto sur win 10 pro
Messages: 1
Inscription: 13 Juin 2021

Re: Download DATV-Easy v3.08

Messagede SV8ARJ » Ven 10 Mai 2024 08:08

Hi Dominique, what an amazing utility you have created !
I have a LimeSDR USB (not the mini) that is working fantastic.
I also have an Ettus B200 that would be great to be included in the list.
I can use it through gnuradio companion grabing your UDP stream going for Pluto just fine.
But it would be perfect to have a single user interface.
Both osmocom and UHD sink work fine with no issues.

My best regards
George / SV8ARJ

TXing from B200 using stream to from DATV-Easy
DATV+LocalRx.jpg (339.31 Kio) Vu 28375 fois

2024-05-10 10_55_35-dvbs2_txUDP-2024.grc - D__u_QO100.jpg
2024-05-10 10_55_35-dvbs2_txUDP-2024.grc - D__u_QO100.jpg (204.6 Kio) Vu 28375 fois
Messages: 1
Inscription: 31 Mai 2019

Re: Download DATV-Easy v3.08

Messagede K0ZAK » Sam 18 Mai 2024 21:24

I tried this release with my HackRF-One on DVB-T, 2Mhz bandwidth and it seems to be very stable. My Hi-Des HV-110 is very happy with the signal, something that the Pluto+ wasn't able to achieve. I do have one problem though. When I hit the Stop button, the signal shuts down but the Tx led on the HackRF remains on. I am unable to restart the Tx again until I reset power on the HackRF. I had read about this problem several years ago with other software but this was fixed with updated firmware long ago. Mine is a recent purchase with 2023/1/1 firmware, so well beyond the problem firmware. Has anyone else seen this issue?
Messages: 3
Inscription: 09 Avr 2021

Re: Download DATV-Easy v3.08

Messagede f4fdw » Ven 5 Juil 2024 21:52

Datv easy peut'il fonctionner sous linux ou une version est'elle prévue pour ubuntu ?
Merci d'avance
Messages: 15
Inscription: 03 Nov 2014

Re: Download DATV-Easy v3.08

Messagede DL1DJH » Dim 28 Juil 2024 08:41

Hello Guys,

since few days my equipment is not working that good anymore and I´m interrested if someone have same problem, maybe with a fix.

I use DATV Easy V3.08 in combination with Scan & Tioune 02k for doing QSOs via satellite. Now I have problem if I want to watch the transmitted signal of mine with receiver software. Everytime S&T wants to generate picture to show the transmit-power of the pluto-sdr goes short down. Then the signal indicator of S&T moves to red, signal goes up to stable again and when the picture for output is generated it repeat the same. Again and again. When I move in S&T "TS UDP" to off (Scan & Tioune generate no output picture), it works stable again. The receiving software have green light indicator on again, show callsign and informations like normal, only without picture and sound in connection with internal VLC-Player.

I hope, I described the problem understandable. By the way, in DATV-Easy I taked a look to the FFMPEG-window and there is no error that could be a reason why this happens. Is there some problem with UDP-streams, they fight against each other?

Hope, somebody can help me.

73 de DL1DJH Dominik
Messages: 1
Inscription: 21 Jan 2021

Re: Download DATV-Easy v3.08

Messagede PE1CVJ » Sam 5 Oct 2024 12:17

Hello Dominique,

First of all a big 'thank you' for al the great work you did with this new version of DATV-Easy. The addition of HackRF support is great!

The possibility of using the GPU for streamCoding is also a great feature as it can relieve the CPU substantially.
I wonder if there is a list of GPU types or where to look for in the specification of a GPU chip, to determine whether a GPU chip is actually suitable for HW coding by the DATV-Easy software,
I'm running DATV-Easy from different (older) W10 PC's and noticed that some GPU's will support the h.264 codec, but so far none is supporting the h.265 codec.
I'm considering buying a new graphical card that can support both h.264 and h.265 (h.266 will be to new probably?), but are not able to determine what specs to check.
Can you please advise?

Thanks in advance,
73, Lex - PE1CVJ
73, Kind regards,

Lex Peters (PE1CVJ)
The Netherlands
Messages: 2
Inscription: 22 Juin 2016
Localisation: JO22KG16ST

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