modulateurs DVB-S/S2 à utiliser avec un PC ou un Rpi


Messagede benno » Mer 26 Oct 2022 20:43

this is probably the cause of F5OEO 0303.
in 0303 the pluto is used differently for datv and NB.. in 0201 is this not a setting and should it work normally and direct.

73es Benno, PA3FBX

F6CNB a écrit:Hi Dominique,
I have tested V2.08 this week end in order to replace the previous version at F4KLO.
Congratulations for this easy to use and wonderful software.

I found a small problem:
My configuration is a pluto sdr with the latest official firmware connected to the PC by USB
I am using OBS + DATV EASY V2.08 in DATV and SDR console 3.2 in narrow band.

When I want to switch from DATV to NB:
I clicked Stop and then Exit on DATV. Then I launched sdr console on the same pluto.
I am able to receive on the pluto but i am UNABLE to transmit.
There no error message in sdr console but not power out of the pluto sdr.
A software reset of the pluto is fixing the problem ( command pluto_reboot reset via ssh on the pluto (user root pwd analog))

73 from Remi F6CNB/N5CNB
Messages: 7
Inscription: 10 Avr 2020

Re: issue DATV-Easy V2.08

Messagede benno » Mer 26 Oct 2022 20:44

Problem solved by deleting the F1EJP folder in the programdata folder...

It contained old settings from the beta programs..

73es Benno PA3FBX.

DD0CW a écrit:Hi Dominique,

tks for the software.
Please could you fix the following issue.
The value for "Audio kb/s" on the first tab "DVB / MPEG-TS" will not be stored in your .ini file.
Each time after a new start comes the value "128kb/s" as a preset value.
But I want to have a lower value ( 32 K ) to have more for video.

73 de Frank ( DDØCW ).
Messages: 7
Inscription: 10 Avr 2020


Messagede benno » Mer 26 Oct 2022 20:49

Hello Jabi.
Port 7272 is for RTMP and 8282 is for UDP..

RTMP will stress your CPU more and thus when you have F5OEO firmware you would like to use the UDP hence 8282...

Portsdown cannot work with H265 and the UDP and you need to set the normal pluto for HW witch will give you RTMP.

Best regards
Benno PA3FBX.

Jabi a écrit:Good morning Dominic,
I think there is an error in the configuration of the Adalm-Pluto. Shouldn't the output port be 7272 instead of 8282? This is how I have it configured in my OBS:
rtmp://,2407.750,DVBS2 ... lib,800,32,
In udp: udp://, to send it to Portsdown 4.
With port 8282 I don't communicate with Pluto.
Please tell me something.
73.s of Jabi, ea2aru.
Messages: 7
Inscription: 10 Avr 2020


Messagede F1EJP » Jeu 27 Oct 2022 21:39


@Benno thanks to replies

Une version 2.09 est en préparation avec quelques ajouts et correctifs:

version 2.09
- modification reset watchguard et tempo dans ARDUINO (coupure lors de la commande des relais)
- Ajout affichage fréquence QO100
- Ajout rolloff 0.15
- Choix mise au carré ou non des mesures de Watts dans fichier param.ini
- Modification "Automatic image" en "All automatic" pour audio également (mémorisation)

73 à tous
Dominique F1EJP
Messages: 112
Inscription: 13 Mar 2018


Messagede ON7KGK » Ven 28 Oct 2022 05:14

Bonjour à tous,

Encore merci pour ce programme fantastique.
En cherchant la signification des termes utilisés dans ce programme je suis tombé sur ce pdf bien fait et en français qui explique les différentes modulations, FEC, ...

73's ON7KGK
Fichiers joints
Etude comparative entre DVB-S et DVB-S2.pdf
(3.37 Mio) Téléchargé 865 fois
Messages: 11
Inscription: 06 Juil 2016

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