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Questiuon about WebMonitoring,

Messagede DL7ZF » Ven 29 Juil 2022 07:43

Hi, have set up Password and my Call-ID, but i cannot see me on WebMonitoring List, why?

What are the needed Entries to use the WebMonitoring-Tool?
Should i use the Username here ti fill in minitioune config?

Every Help is nice to see, please.

Thx SparX
Messages: 3
Inscription: 16 Juin 2022
Localisation: Germany

Re: Questiuon about WebMonitoring,

Messagede DL7ZF » Dim 7 Aoû 2022 05:25

solved. have to use the right Login.
Messages: 3
Inscription: 16 Juin 2022
Localisation: Germany

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