Hello Thorsten,
Seeing the screenshot, Scan&Tioune is working normally.
But you have something bad in your environment:
The LNA gain is negative!
this LNA is a chip inside the NIM, 1st stage before the tuner, that has a gain that can vary to amplify or attenuate a signal, to try to give a -20dBm signal to the tuner.
Normally the gain that is shown is between +6 and +13dBm .
on your station I see a gain negative of -10.1 dBm !!
But on the scanner I see no signal, on the RF level I see no signal (-107dBm)
That signifies that you must have a QRM, a very High signal that is sent to the NIM. this signal can be far from the frequency, the LNA is wide band and the tuner input 10 MHz wide.
so, I am sure that you are sending a very high level signal in your cable ( 144 MHz??, 435 MHZ ?? or ???) that disturb completely the NIM : as a very high signal is at the input, all AGC stages inside the NIM lower all levels at the max they can, so you see nothing on the spectrum and you offset up the spectrum display to see only the noise floor of the NIM
- Scan&Tioune receive no signal on the freq but a very strong QRM is sent at the input on a far Frequency .jpg (171.04 Kio) Vu 13776 fois
You can try to scan using a bandwidth of 60MHz, perhaps you will discover the strong signal disturbing your rx.
Jean-Pierre F6ZDP