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CheckMinitiouneDriverAndFilters problem

Messagede iw6pua » Mer 15 Avr 2020 14:22

Hi all,
after having followed the guide in order to setup my new MiniTiouner express, downloaded the necessary software etc. having done the "testMyMinitiouner" etc. when I try to run the "CheckMinitiouneDriverAndFilters" it gives me the following error:


Any hint please?
I am running windows 10 64bit and I have updated the latest DiretX libraries.

Thank you

MiniTiouner Express, Adalm Pluto, rtl-sdr, Windows 10 64 bit, 12 GB ram, Intel I7 cpu.
Messages: 3
Inscription: 12 Mar 2020

Re: CheckMinitiouneDriverAndFilters problem

Messagede F6DZP » Jeu 16 Avr 2020 04:35


I don't see why you can run "TestMyMiniTiouner" and cannot just start "CheckMinitiouneDriverAndFilters".
When you start it, it just open a window with different options to do the test. If you click nothing, it does nothing.
So I have no answer yet.

or do you have the error when you click a button?

I have troubles with the MiniTiouner Express that is not completely compatible.

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: CheckMinitiouneDriverAndFilters problem

Messagede iw6pua » Jeu 16 Avr 2020 07:57

Hello Jean Pierre,
basically it does not allow me to run the program, after double click it gives me that error message.
Then if I try to run the Minitioune, I have the introduction white box with the message "wait 5 seconds...." but the software stays frozen and does not start at all.

Maybe I should have done something different with the EEPROM reprogramming?
MiniTiouner Express, Adalm Pluto, rtl-sdr, Windows 10 64 bit, 12 GB ram, Intel I7 cpu.
Messages: 3
Inscription: 12 Mar 2020

Re: CheckMinitiouneDriverAndFilters problem

Messagede iw6pua » Ven 17 Avr 2020 21:46

Another update.
Basically I have reinstalled everything from the beginning, used also previous software versions, did registry and system analisys but the problem stays exactly the same.
Unable to run "CheckMinitiouneDriverAndFilters" due to D3D9.dll file and unable to run the MiniTioune because the intro screen stays frozen forever.

Any ideas?

MiniTiouner Express, Adalm Pluto, rtl-sdr, Windows 10 64 bit, 12 GB ram, Intel I7 cpu.
Messages: 3
Inscription: 12 Mar 2020

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