Logiciels pour MiniTiounerPro utilisant les 2 tuners ou démodulateurs du NIM FTS434/4335
Software for MiniTiounerPro using the 2tuners or demodulators of NIM FTS4334/4335

Re: Scan&Tioune

Messagede dl9sec » Lun 13 Avr 2020 14:25


is there a magic how to reliably start and operate Scan&Tioune?

I need one reboot to be able to start the program. To start, close and start again is not possible. The non-movable information window appears and stays for several minutes, then it closes and nothing more happens.

When I get it started, I couldn't get something catched and/or decoded. The scanning arrow runs from left to the right, but there is no spectrum shown (see attachment).

Running an up-to-date Windows 10...

(Don't be bothered by the 0V LNB voltage, it is fed from another part of my reception system. Minitoiune v0.9beta8.9 is running very well...)


73, Thorsten
Fichiers joints
2020-04-13 15_58_15-Scan & Tioune V0.1p for MiniTiounerPro ---- Scanwidth 250 kHz to 60 MHz ---- Det.png
2020-04-13 15_58_15-Scan & Tioune V0.1p for MiniTiounerPro ---- Scanwidth 250 kHz to 60 MHz ---- Det.png (232.14 Kio) Vu 13132 fois
Messages: 12
Inscription: 26 Juil 2019

Re: Scan&Tioune

Messagede IW1RHR » Lun 13 Avr 2020 18:00

Dear Jean-Pierre,

I'm really excited about both the MiniTiounerProV2 card and the Scan & Tioune software !!

I am using an Asus I7-7700HQ 16GB memory Notebook, W10 update and everything works fine. Every time I see a new carrier I click on it and tune in the new transmission, fantastic.
The MiniTiouner version also works perfectly ...

Compared to when I started with RTL-SDR and DVBS-GUI it's wonderful !!!

I can't wait to try the MiniTiounePRO version .. if I understand correctly it can tune two channels at a time with 2 TS

Thank you very much for the great work you are doing !!

Best '73, Roberto IW1RHR
Messages: 1
Inscription: 15 Mar 2020

Re: Scan&Tioune

Messagede F6DZP » Mar 14 Avr 2020 15:48


@dl9sec Thorsten,

Your RF power is too much strong! -4 dBm is anormal, you saturate the Tuner.
(your LNA gain is negative, it works like an attenuator and is not suffisiant...
it should be about -50 or -60 dBm.

Look at my pictures, they show a RF level of -58 or -59 dBm

if I understand correctly it can tune two channels at a time with 2 TS

Yes, the hardware is ready to do dual receiving, but today the software "DualTioune" can receive 2 channnels at same time but only in DVBS mode. I 'm working now onit to add the DVB-S2 mode

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Scan&Tioune

Messagede dl9sec » Dim 19 Avr 2020 07:28

F6DZP a écrit:@dl9sec Thorsten,

Your RF power is too much strong! -4 dBm is anormal, you saturate the Tuner.
(your LNA gain is negative, it works like an attenuator and is not suffisiant...
it should be about -50 or -60 dBm.

Look at my pictures, they show a RF level of -58 or -59 dBm

Hi Jean-Pierre,

thanks for the reply.
I am not really clear with your answer.

Which LNA do you mean? That one in the MinitiounerPro V2?
How can I influence that gain? There is no part in the "Scan&Tioune.ini" that sets a LNA gain...

73, Thorsten
Dernière édition par dl9sec le Dim 19 Avr 2020 08:37, édité 1 fois.
Messages: 12
Inscription: 26 Juil 2019

Re: Scan&Tioune

Messagede dl9sec » Dim 19 Avr 2020 08:33

Regarding the starting problems of Scan&Tioune...

I am using a computer running Win10 x64.

When i try to start the program and it fails (no obvious error message or something from the program itself), i can find an application error message in the Windows management console:

Code: Tout sélectionner
- <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
- <System>
  <Provider Name="Application Error" />
  <EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>
  <TimeCreated SystemTime="2020-04-19T07:34:44.443379500Z" />
  <Security />
- <EventData>
  <Data />
  <Data />

I suppose, that the 32Bit Scan&Tioune isn't redirected to the correct ntdll.dll.

Then i tried to activate the compatibility mode for the program. Windows suggests a "Windws 8" mode.
In this compatibility mode, Scan&Tioune starts.

Nevertheless, the program neither tunes e.g. to the beacon, nor does a scan result in a spectrum with stations.

Here is the info output:
Code: Tout sélectionner
DLL version: 3.2.14
        USB channels detection 
we have found 2 device(s)
device 0:
device named: MiniTiouner_Pro_TS2 A
For I2C, we can use this device
OK, we will use it with Handle: 93735616
Serial number for A: DA470AX7A
device 1:
device named: MiniTiouner_Pro_TS2 B
we will not use it
For TS, we can use this device
OK, we will use it with Handle: 93736720
Serial number for  B: DA470AX7B
USB driver version: 2.12.28
     I2C initialisation     
I2C controler INIT success
OK MPSSE is empty
Init MPSSE I2C done!
        MiniTiounerPro2 detected
------ NIM and Demodulator detection  ------
STV0910 Identification correct at address $D2 : chip_ident($5), release($1).
writing test OK:255
Serit FTS-43xx NIM detected
initializing STV0910
STV0910 init OK
------ Synthesizer detection ------
Synthesizer found at address $C0 by reading in a register the value: 112
STV6120 init OK
------ LNA booster detection ------
LNA found by reading in register0 the value : 32
2nd LNA found by reading in register0 the value: 0
************* VLC ****************
Load vlc library succeeded
All functions succeeded to load
VLC Version: 3.0.8 Vetinari
Calibration ppm: 28,75
scan step: 2
-----TS  IP and UDP detection ------
nbr of local IP: 1
IP n° 1 =
UDP address : port : 8888 using IP interface :

Again: My hardware works fine and Minitioune v0.9beta8.9 does a great job so far...

Any ideas?

73, Thorsten
Fichiers joints
2020-04-19 10_15_58-Scan & Tioune V0.1p for MiniTiounerPro ---- Scanwidth 250 kHz to 60 MHz ---- Det.png
2020-04-19 10_15_58-Scan & Tioune V0.1p for MiniTiounerPro ---- Scanwidth 250 kHz to 60 MHz ---- Det.png (248.04 Kio) Vu 13013 fois
Messages: 12
Inscription: 26 Juil 2019

Re: Scan&Tioune

Messagede F6DZP » Dim 19 Avr 2020 12:51

Hello Thorsten,

Seeing the screenshot, Scan&Tioune is working normally.
But you have something bad in your environment:

The LNA gain is negative!
this LNA is a chip inside the NIM, 1st stage before the tuner, that has a gain that can vary to amplify or attenuate a signal, to try to give a -20dBm signal to the tuner.
Normally the gain that is shown is between +6 and +13dBm .
on your station I see a gain negative of -10.1 dBm !!
But on the scanner I see no signal, on the RF level I see no signal (-107dBm)

That signifies that you must have a QRM, a very High signal that is sent to the NIM. this signal can be far from the frequency, the LNA is wide band and the tuner input 10 MHz wide.
so, I am sure that you are sending a very high level signal in your cable ( 144 MHz??, 435 MHZ ?? or ???) that disturb completely the NIM : as a very high signal is at the input, all AGC stages inside the NIM lower all levels at the max they can, so you see nothing on the spectrum and you offset up the spectrum display to see only the noise floor of the NIM

Scan&Tioune receive no signal on the freq but a very strong QRM is sent at the input on a far Frequency .jpg
Scan&Tioune receive no signal on the freq but a very strong QRM is sent at the input on a far Frequency .jpg (171.04 Kio) Vu 13001 fois

You can try to scan using a bandwidth of 60MHz, perhaps you will discover the strong signal disturbing your rx.

Jean-Pierre F6ZDP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Scan&Tioune

Messagede dl9sec » Dim 19 Avr 2020 16:24

Your Answer is not plausible for me.

How can you explain that with exactly the same hardware configuration Minitioune v0.9beta8.9 works as expected?

There must be basically a big difference between Minitioune v0.9beta8.9 and Scan&Tioune...
Fichiers joints
2020-04-19 18_15_05-MINITIOUNE v0.9beta8_9 - Receiver_Analyser DVB-S_S2 144 MHz to 2450 MHz - SRmini.png
2020-04-19 18_15_05-MINITIOUNE v0.9beta8_9 - Receiver_Analyser DVB-S_S2 144 MHz to 2450 MHz - SRmini.png (311.64 Kio) Vu 12997 fois
Messages: 12
Inscription: 26 Juil 2019

Re: Scan&Tioune

Messagede F6DZP » Dim 19 Avr 2020 21:15

Photo are saved in the Minitioune directory.


on the Minitioune screenshot the LNA GAin is positive and normal : +8,3dB and you have a signal ,RF level is normal : -41 dBm

on the Scan&Tioune screenshot the LNA gain is negative! : -10.1 dB and you have no signal : RF level is -107 dBm

I cannot say more. If you just change the software and don't change anything with the hardware I don't understand. Never seen that.
The Tiouner software part of Scan&Tioune is the same than in Minitioune, so should exactly the same. (The only difference is for rendering the video)

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Scan&Tioune

Messagede benno » Dim 26 Avr 2020 17:48

When will there be a version for de Express Hardware?
Messages: 7
Inscription: 10 Avr 2020

Re: Scan&Tioune

Messagede F1EJP » Mer 29 Avr 2020 09:03

Bonjour Jean-Pierre,

Pour moi fonctionne parfaitement depuis plusieurs jour (1 seul message d'erreur sans plantage)
La vidéo est même plus fluide avec VLC que avec direct-show !
Quelques exemple avec parabole 80cm ordinaire(STRONG)
Le flux vidéo ne semble pas encore transmis sur TiouneMonitor ?

it.JPG (239.48 Kio) Vu 14950 fois

DL1.JPG (253.74 Kio) Vu 14950 fois

CaptureErreur.JPG (218.19 Kio) Vu 14950 fois

Merci pour ce surperbe développement
73 de F1EJP
Messages: 112
Inscription: 13 Mar 2018

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