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TiouneMonitor Problems

Messagede M0NMC » Dim 16 Fév 2020 01:14


I have a problem with TiounerMonitor

I have updated the .ini file and allowed the software through the firewall and enabled flash.

Unfortunately I have nothing displayed on my page.



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Messages: 4
Inscription: 01 Fév 2020

Re: TiouneMonitor Problems

Messagede F6DZP » Dim 16 Fév 2020 05:06

1st idea tell me that you send nothing to your TioneMonitor.

0) you must check with "checkMinitiouneDriverAndFilters" that all led are green, (specifically UDP led and Web led)
1) you must have put your vivadatv password in the .ini file
2) press the web button and choose Picture mode

the best could be to ask to a friend to look at your TiouneMonitor when you are supposed to send something.

If your friend can receive something,problem comes from your browser =>try with different Browser.
If your friend doesn't see any life on your TiouneMonitor, you are sending no data, so again 0) 1) 2)

(I bet 90% that your password is not good.)

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: TiouneMonitor Problems

Messagede M0NMC » Lun 17 Fév 2020 18:57

Hi Again

All software tests are ok and UDP and WEB are green. as said in the previous message only video is getting through

ID and Password in the .ini file are correct

I have tried on two different computers, different browsers. No luck so far :(



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Messages: 4
Inscription: 01 Fév 2020

Re: TiouneMonitor Problems

Messagede F6DZP » Lun 17 Fév 2020 21:52

try without writing the "'" character in your city name. : St Ann s Chapel or writing Gunnislake

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: TiouneMonitor Problems

Messagede M0NMC » Jeu 20 Fév 2020 00:04

Salut Jean Pierre. Merci beaucoup pour toute votre aide et le développement de ce logiciel, c'est génial et tout fonctionne maintenant. Je viens de supprimer l'apostrophe et cela l'a corrigé. En attendant votre programme Tinyspectrum lorsque tout est prêt. Je dois commencer à chercher un système de sonorisation adapté | pour DATV TX maintenant

Bonne chance

Messages: 4
Inscription: 01 Fév 2020

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