Double receiver DVB-S/S2 144Mhz-2450Mhz
build it yourself or buy a complete MiniTiounerPro already built for less than 100 euros

Re: MiniTiounerPro V2

Messagede ik8ozv » Lun 2 Sep 2019 10:37

Hello Jean-Pierre,
i am waiting for the MinitiounerPro2 taht sholud arrive.
Will you please suggest me a box or a case that fits the whole circuit?
Can you please post me a link where to find it?
It will be really appreciated.
MinitunerPro2, NIM: FTS4334; Parabole 100cm Offset, LNB Octagon Green.
PC= I9 / Win10-64bits.
Messages: 38
Inscription: 04 Aoû 2019

Re: MiniTiounerPro V2

Messagede F6DZP » Mar 3 Sep 2019 05:55


I use the chineese blue box. (photo
You can find it here:

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: MiniTiounerPro V2

Messagede ik8ozv » Ven 13 Sep 2019 10:31

Hello Jean Pierre,
Today i have received the Kit.
Please can you tell me where can i find the Test Program?
MinitunerPro2, NIM: FTS4334; Parabole 100cm Offset, LNB Octagon Green.
PC= I9 / Win10-64bits.
Messages: 38
Inscription: 04 Aoû 2019

Re: MiniTiounerPro V2

Messagede 9a2ko » Mar 24 Sep 2019 14:04

My MiniTiouner Pro V2 arrived today, mersi REF 73 Eduard de 9a2ko
Messages: 1
Inscription: 20 Fév 2019
Localisation: crikvenica Croatia jn75ie

Re: MiniTiounerPro V2

Messagede ik8ozv » Ven 4 Oct 2019 19:30

F6DZP a écrit:Hello,

In 2 weeks we will have the MiniTiounerPro V2.

Many features can be found on this receiver:
- ready for receiving 2 stations at same time (useful for Duplex on Oscar-100) using next Software Dualtioune.
- 2 x RT5047 that produce 13v or 18v (400mA protected) for your LNA or LNB, one separate voltage for each different F-plug
- the MinitiounerPro has a design that allows the lowest I2C noise , Minitioune refresh rate can be 100ms (180 ms with a very slow processor like the Atom processor in my Pluto or Chuwi Tablet)
- 2 leds indicating TS1 and TS2
- 2 leds indicating LNB A/B voltage
- allows the use of LCD or Oled display
- TS1 and TS2 parallel output => we can use for developing IP interface or direct transmission to a modulator or ...
- 4 GPIO input/output
- 8 output ( with 8 leds) to drive relays, preamplifier ... depending the RF band you are using
The MiniTiounerPro V2 is ready for all future developments.

MiniTiounerPro V2 full synoptic_.jpg


Boitier bleu avec MiniTiounerPro et LCD vue avant_.jpg

(Price is 99 euros)

Jean-Pierre F6DZP

Hello Jean Pierre,
i am thinking to do your way. I have already got the Blue Box from Aliexpress.
I would like to add also the Display. Got the small one but i would like the bigger one.
Please can you point me to the correct one to use with the Minitiounerpro2???

I had alook at the box you have made byt it seems ytou have made all the
connections like Power supply, Antenna and USB all at the back while on the front there is just
the display.
What about the LED's? i do not see them.
Can you send me some photos of all please?
73's de Enzo IK8OZV
MinitunerPro2, NIM: FTS4334; Parabole 100cm Offset, LNB Octagon Green.
PC= I9 / Win10-64bits.
Messages: 38
Inscription: 04 Aoû 2019

Re: MiniTiounerPro V2

Messagede F6DZP » Sam 5 Oct 2019 04:34

Hello Enzo,

I use this 2.6" LCD from Digole:

yes I have not yet put the Leds, I will put them on the front.

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: MiniTiounerPro V2, 22KHz sur sortie B ?

Messagede F4VRR_Dany » Ven 29 Nov 2019 20:18

F6DZP a écrit:Hello,

Yes I have not implemented yet the 22kHz for the B input. thank you to remind me , Sorry I forgot to do it. the V2 of MiniTiounerPro is very new and I had to time to finish the new options for it .
So yes it is a software issue (beta version), but not very complicated to fix.

When the MinitiouneV0.9 will be definitively finished (I hope I am very near the end) I will work on the software Dualtioune that allows to receive 2 stations. This software already exists but works only with DVB-S mode, not DVB-S2, so I will upgrade it with the final procedures used for Minitioune.

Jean-Pierre F6DZP

Bonjour les amis, suite à mes essais sur des stations "broadcast" au dessus de 12GHz, j'ai d'abord cru que mon minitiouner ne fonctionnait pas à 100%, mais après avoir lu ce message je suis rassuré ; je suppose que c'est juste parce que le 22KHz fonctionne sur la sortie A mais n'est pas encore envoyé vers la sortie B ? à moins que je n'utilise pas la dernière version du programme !
Il n'y a aucune urgence, mais si Jean-Pierre pouvait le confirmer ce serait parfait.
Dany - F4VRR
Messages: 6
Inscription: 18 Oct 2019
Localisation: IN96BQ

Re: MiniTiounerPro V2

Messagede F6DZP » Ven 29 Nov 2019 21:40

oui, la gestion de la l'entrée fiche B est réglée avec la version qui va venir très bientôt maintenant.

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: MiniTiounerPro V2 merci

Messagede F4VRR_Dany » Sam 30 Nov 2019 22:18

Ok, c'est super, merci beaucoup Jean-Pierre.
73's de F4VRR
Messages: 6
Inscription: 18 Oct 2019
Localisation: IN96BQ

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