Build your own USB tuner . Questions about hardware

Build your own Minitiouner

Messagede F6DZP » Sam 2 Mai 2015 05:15


As its not sure we always be able to get the tuner we need, as there are difficult to find when they don't completely disappear from the market,
I have decided two month ago to build my own.
We have many solution for finding good Nim Tuner.
The USB chips used with almost USB tuner of the market is the CY7C86013A.
(Prof7500 = NIM EARDATEK + CY7C86013A, STB5980 = NIM EARD + CY7C86013A ......)
Prof7500_02.jpg (87.46 Kio) Vu 57593 fois

on this side there is only the Nim Tuner EARDATEK and capacitors
Prof7500_01.jpg (137.75 Kio) Vu 57593 fois

We can see on this side, that there are only component for power supplying the Nim tuner + power supply for LNB and CYC786013A for usb interface.
I have began 2 months ago to study this chip, but it is a very powerful chip that takes time to develop for the first time with it and my chineese sample was not sure to work well.
So I have chosen to test also a second solution less powerful but less "eating time" : use the FT2232H I already used with my Digilite modulator.
USBNimTuner2.jpg (176.06 Kio) Vu 57593 fois

My first step was to test the I2C dialog between FT2232H minimodule and the Samsung NIM

And now develop Check software for this first build

Check USB tuner.jpg
Check USB tuner.jpg (195.74 Kio) Vu 57593 fois

As now I have made good test for this first step, I go to the second step : program the chip inside the NIM to check if I can lock on a DVB-S signal and specialy a very low SR signal (SR250)

CheckTiouneboxLock2.jpg (236.34 Kio) Vu 57593 fois

Well! I am in the good way
Dernière édition par F6DZP le Jeu 23 Juin 2016 15:01, édité 4 fois.
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Build your own Minitiouner

Messagede F6DZP » Sam 2 Mai 2015 05:33

Last step:
I chose to use 5V external power supply, so I have to give on this board the 3.3V and 1V need by the demodulator
I want also now get the TS data coming from the NIM tuner when it is locked, so I add a 3 NAnd gates 74HC10 and wire bus between the NIM and the Minimodule
montage avec NIM samsung_txt.jpg
montage avec NIM samsung_txt.jpg (139.91 Kio) Vu 57593 fois

That's all!!
If we don't need anything else ( 13v or 18V for LNB and 22kHz) the schemtic is complete. Nothing to add! and it works very well at very low SR ( down to SR125 kS/sec)

vLC receiving TS from Minitioune1.jpg
vLC receiving TS from Minitioune1.jpg (328.87 Kio) Vu 57593 fois

As you can see there is a new software that can be used with this MiniTiouner : Minitioune.

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Build your own Minitiouner

Messagede cashy666 » Dim 5 Fév 2017 19:26

Good evening all,
is this available as a kit? or PCB?

As complete technophobe I need all the help I can get.

any help would be much appreciated.

thank you

Messages: 9
Inscription: 28 Jan 2017

Re: Build your own Minitiouner

Messagede F6DZP » Lun 6 Fév 2017 05:54


In UK, the BATC has made a pcb and a kit.

BATCkit _Sharp_.jpg
BATCkit _Sharp_.jpg (102.64 Kio) Vu 55641 fois

More information here:

pcb, NIM, Minimodule are available at the BATC shop.

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Build your own Minitiouner

Messagede cashy666 » Lun 6 Fév 2017 22:36

Hi Jean-Pierre,
thank you for the response. Unfortunatley BATC discontinued the kit sometime ago, only supply the board and usb controller, which ive ordered. I will use the BOM to source the other parts. one concern is getting the right NIM.


Messages: 9
Inscription: 28 Jan 2017

Re: Build your own Minitiouner

Messagede alan-macdonald » Lun 28 Aoû 2017 16:51

Hi Dave,
how did you get on with the Minitiouner? BATC now have bare boards and NIMs in stock, along with the USB module and 1v1 regulator.

I've finally got mine built, got the software sorted with help from the IT department (my good lady, M0PSZ) and hopefully this evening whenthe repeater fires up I will be receiving GB3SQ.

Good luck

Mac - M0VLT
Messages: 1
Inscription: 15 Aoû 2017

Re: Build your own Minitiouner

Messagede F6DZP » Lun 16 Avr 2018 09:17


as the forum hard disk crashed in 2016, we lost all information between June 2015 and May 2106, I put some back...

My first prototype using a NIM Samsung DNBU10711IST
schéma crayon Minitiouner sans alim.jpg
schéma crayon Minitiouner sans alim.jpg (140.75 Kio) Vu 48037 fois

montage avec NIM samsung_txt.jpg
montage avec NIM samsung_txt.jpg (139.91 Kio) Vu 48034 fois

Using the NIM Eardatek EDS-4B47FF1B+
Schema Minitiouner_Earda_.jpg
Schema Minitiouner_Earda_.jpg (104.66 Kio) Vu 48037 fois

Using the NIM Sharp BS2F7HZ1069
Schema Minitiouner Sharp_.jpg
Schema Minitiouner Sharp_.jpg (106.15 Kio) Vu 48037 fois
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Build your own Minitiouner

Messagede DreuxPomerleau » Mar 29 Juin 2021 15:12

Bon travaille et félicitation pour ta création. Je te souhaite le succès et bonne continuation pour tes prochains projets. :)

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Messages: 7
Inscription: 18 Juin 2021

Re: Build your own Minitiouner

Messagede DB1AFN » Mer 30 Mar 2022 19:47

Just as an additional information...

On this site
the DNBU10512ISA is listed as a potentially suitable NIM, but with a question mark.

Here is what is inside of this NIM:

DNBU10512ISA with cover.jpg
DNBU10512ISA with cover.jpg (289.87 Kio) Vu 20913 fois

DNBU10512ISA without cover.jpg
DNBU10512ISA without cover.jpg (367.46 Kio) Vu 20913 fois

DNBU10512ISA STV6110A.jpg
DNBU10512ISA STV6110A.jpg (103.7 Kio) Vu 20913 fois

DNBU10512ISA AV2108.jpg
DNBU10512ISA AV2108.jpg (361.7 Kio) Vu 20913 fois

DNBU10512ISA PCB.jpg
DNBU10512ISA PCB.jpg (362.53 Kio) Vu 20913 fois

The tuner is an STV6110A and the demodulator is an Availink AVL2108LGa.

So it probably won't work with MiniTioune.
Messages: 1
Inscription: 01 Mar 2022

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