Tutioune1600 for TT S2-1600 - ENGLISH

Messagede F6DZP » Jeu 16 Mai 2013 14:00

Here you can download the last version of Tutioune for TechnoTrend TT S2-1600.
16 May -Tutioune1600 version 01a - obsolete - see next message

-copy in a folder
-install 32bits or 64 bits SAA7146a driver. ( under win7 run as Administrator)
- install the usrc.ax Directshow filter

test if all leds are green with VerifMatos

modify tutioune2.ini with your own presets
( call sign, password, QRA locator, ... frequencies and SR frequently used...

Run Tutioune1600
capture SR1300.jpg
capture SR1300.jpg (234.12 Kio) Vu 67110 fois

the Web button create automatically your WebMonitor like mine:

if you ask at right "capture" -->"video" or "QSL" you will see the pictures received in real time on your WebMonitor as same time as measurement.

you have also Expert Mode, very useful to adjust your Diglite /Digilite-ZL
capture SR1300 expert mode.jpg
capture SR1300 expert mode.jpg (464.96 Kio) Vu 67110 fois

Jean Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Tutioune1600 for TT S2-1600 - ENGLISH

Messagede F6DZP » Sam 18 Mai 2013 13:49

New version : Tutioune1600 V0.1c
just with some little display bugs corrected. better colors for Win XP mode and fix some data missing to be send to Webmonitor.

Obsolete now - see next message -

instructions in previous message.
(don't need to reinstall driver and usrc filter if already done)

Now when running Tutioune1600 you can Click "ESC" to change display format including Full screen.

Jean Pierre F6DZP
Dernière édition par F6DZP le Jeu 18 Juil 2013 08:06, édité 1 fois.
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Tutioune1600 for TT S2-1600 - ENGLISH

Messagede F6DZP » Jeu 18 Juil 2013 08:05


New version today:
****** new in tutioune1600v0.2a ******

- change internal setup to allow Derotator to follow frequency shift ( Doppler etc...)
- better RF power values
- tutioune2.ini can now set AutoPID mode on or off when software start
(better not to be in auto mode when searching signal with known PID - case for HamVideo)


Jean Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Tutioune1600 V0.3a for TT S2-1600 - ENGLISH

Messagede F6DZP » Mar 15 Oct 2013 14:38

Here is the new version.

This version can save measuring data to you hard disk.

You can read them with "TiouneDataReader" and these datafiles could be sent to ARISS manager for HamTV project.

You must have installed:
- the driver saa7146a corresponding to your Windows version ( 32 bits or 64 bits)
- the Directshow filter usrc.ax using "install_usrc_ax"
If you work with windows XP you must install codec for decoding mpeg2 video and audio.

You can check your card and driver is well running using "VerifMatosV3.0"

You can now run Tutioune1600 V0.3a

version O.3 is now obsolete - see next message

put all files in a Directory called "Tutioune1600"

don't forget to Edit the tutioune1600.ini file
this is a text file where you must give your Call sign and password use for vivadatv forum . That will allow you to create and send data in real time to your TiouneMonitor.
you can also change the frequency values and SR values that are preset for the buttons.

Jean Pierre F6DZP
Dernière édition par F6DZP le Sam 25 Jan 2014 09:33, édité 1 fois.
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Tutioune1600 for TT S2-1600 - ENGLISH

Messagede F6DZP » Sam 25 Jan 2014 09:32

A new version that can receives directly from 600 MHz to 2600 MHz.

Tutioune1600 v0.4a.jpg
Tutioune1600 v0.4a.jpg (274.06 Kio) Vu 66882 fois

>> install tutioune1600v0_4a_en.zip >> see next version(fix DMA issue with some Win7 computer and H264 decoding)

instructions are in the "Read me" file

Jean Pierre F6DZP
Dernière édition par F6DZP le Mar 28 Jan 2014 16:14, édité 2 fois.
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Tutioune1600 for TT S2-1600 - ENGLISH

Messagede F6DZP » Mar 28 Jan 2014 16:11


Last version : Tutioune1600 v0.4b
===========================================new version ==================>>>>> http://www.vivadatv.org/viewtopic.php?f=60&t=352

Instructions are in the "read me" file.

Jean Pierre F6DZP
Dernière édition par F6DZP le Mer 18 Mar 2015 05:36, édité 1 fois.
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Tutioune1600 for TT S2-1600 - ENGLISH

Messagede F6DZP » Jeu 6 Mar 2014 15:28

As HamTV station in ISS send no DVB tables in the transport stream, there is a special version for ISS here:

OBSOLETE, use new universal version (Low SR, ISS, DATV strategy...)

================================= >>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.vivadatv.org/viewtopic.php?f=60&t=352

Jean Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Tutioune1600 for TT S2-1600 - ENGLISH

Messagede PA3ARK » Dim 25 Déc 2016 12:46

F6DZP a écrit:Hello,
Here you can download the last version of Tutioune for TechnoTrend TT S2-1600.
16 May -Tutioune1600 version 01a - obsolete - see next message

-copy in a folder
-install 32bits or 64 bits SAA7146a driver. ( under win7 run as Administrator)
- install the usrc.ax Directshow filter

test if all leds are green with VerifMatos

modify tutioune2.ini with your own presets
( call sign, password, QRA locator, ... frequencies and SR frequently used...

Run Tutioune1600
capture SR1300.jpg

the Web button create automatically your WebMonitor like mine:

if you ask at right "capture" -->"video" or "QSL" you will see the pictures received in real time on your WebMonitor as same time as measurement.

you have also Expert Mode, very useful to adjust your Diglite /Digilite-ZL
capture SR1300 expert mode.jpg

Jean Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1
Inscription: 04 Déc 2016

Re: Tutioune1600 for TT S2-1600 - ENGLISH

Messagede VK3CSJ » Dim 11 Juin 2017 02:50

Hello Jean Pierre,
This might be a silly question, Is it necessary to install the TTS2-1600 DVB-S 1600 Card using the Install Disc that comes with the Card as I assume there is a Driver on the Disc or can the card be installed using the Driver from the Tutioune Software first?

I am running Win 7 on an old DELL Dimension 9200 64 Bit system and I'm just having the usual issue with getting the driver working, I've been going around in circles with this.
I did have it working once quite well but then decided to install Win 10 before the close off date. I got sick of it went back to Vista (because the P.C came with it installed 10 years ago) now gone back to Win 7.

I understand running things in Admin mode but that's not working for me, I've just got Win 7 running in Test Mode and I'm about to try again to install the 64 Bit Driver for Tutioune, I'll edit this if I have success or not...

Okay 24 hours later, once again tried installed Tutioune and once again Win 7 is just not accepting the SAA7146a driver for 64 BITS....I'm clicking on 'Run in Admin...' mode, I have 'Test Mode' ON evident by the icon in the right hand bottom of the screen.....so....I dunno what I'm doing wrong!....very frustrating to say the least....anyway, we will uninstall everything and try again....13/6/17 5:55 pm

I've discovered a website that's has a driver for the 1600 card, installed that and suddenly the Card is now installed....but I still can't get Win 7 to install the SAA7146a Driver....still working on it....15/6/17 8:44 pm

Okay as a follow up to my 15/6/17 post above, I have yet again formatted the Hard Drive and reinstalled - again - my old VISTA O/S with Service Pack 2 installed. Re-installed Tutioune and after a bit of a fiddle around bingo the program works...whew, I'm leaving things alone now!....thanks everyone for your assistance and help....29/09/17 2:21 pm

Clint - VK3CSJ
Messages: 1
Inscription: 13 Déc 2016

Re: Tutioune1600 for TT S2-1600 - ENGLISH

Messagede DC8GY » Mer 28 Fév 2018 10:43

Hello, Jean Pierre,
I use the TT S2-1600 card with TUTIOUNE.
My question: Can I also decode DVB S2 with TUTIOUNE?
I am currently doing experiments with Adalm Pluto and want to decode the signal with Tuitione.
DVB-S with Adalm Pluto and TUTIOUNE works fine but with DVB-S2 I haven't decoded an image yet.

vy 73 Georg DC8GY
Messages: 3
Inscription: 05 Sep 2016

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