Build your own USB tuner . Questions about hardware

No Video installing MiniTioune_v0.4c on Win10

Messagede W6HHC » Lun 12 Déc 2016 23:05

I have MiniTioune_V0_4c running...BUT no video yet....MER is very good.
I had some errors along way during installation steps….

1) I have no errors now running "TestMyMiniTiouner_v1_3a" tool. You earlier had written "TestMyMiniTiouner_v1_3b" , but I could NOT find now any newer tool called “_v1_3b". The very first time I ran "TestMyMiniTiouner_v1_3a", I saw one read error…but I can NOT recreate this error now.
2) I had NO errors installing LAVfilters.
3) The first time I ran the install_usrc_ax_winXP tool on Win10, the tool said “successful” but a Win10 pop-up said "installation may not have been successful"? I tried a second time now (after first placing a copy of inside system32 folder [ C:\Windows\System32 ]) and the Win10 warning did NOT appear anymore and a RegSvr32 pop-up windows did say dll installation was successful. However no change in MiniTioune_V0_4c displaying video.
4) I ran "CheckMiniTiouneDriverAndFilters V0_2b" tool successfully. All LEDs are GREEN (even all Direct Show LEDs are GREEN). No errors. I can see the test TS files display video correctly.
5) When I run MiniTioune_V0_4c, I first get five error pop-ups occur several seconds apart saying “DirectShow Start Error verify your video.grf file”. After saying OK to the fifth pop-up …then MiniTioune displays almost normally except the video area is blank with a “No Video or Bad codec/PID” I have attached a screen-capture.
6) In the past when I am using PCI cards…TuTioune would automatically create a file called "Newdecod Mpeg2.grf" With MiniTioune I can NOT find any such file on my computer.

NOTICE the GRAPH indicator on right side of display is RED (meaning no GraphStudioNext graph is available).

Do you have any suggestions or questions about my settings? ….MANY THANKS…de Ken W6HHC
Dernière édition par W6HHC le Dim 8 Jan 2017 14:09, édité 2 fois.
Messages: 14
Inscription: 10 Jan 2014

Re: No Video installing MiniTioune_v0.4c on Win10

Messagede F6DZP » Mar 13 Déc 2016 07:21

Hi Ken,

remark 1) I think you had a glitch/noise on the I2C line or your USB cable ( the quality of USB cable is very important and also contact with USB plug)

Your Graph sqaure led is red, that means that Minitioune cannot create the graph.(= newdecod Mpeg2.grf or newdecod H264.grf) ---- same as Tutioune = your remark 5)

So I can see that
--> your are receiving a stream : ( Bytes received: 9602852) with no TS error (0)
--> Minitioune has found that a Mpeg2 codec is used and provider is W6HHC so the stream is good ans should be decoded.

Your only issue is your graph that render the video and audio.

You have installed LAV filters so you have the good codecs and have test them with the video of "CheckMiniTiouneDriverAndFilters V0_2b" ( do you hear the sound ??)

first idea :
In which directory is installed minitioune? ( give me the complete path)
if it is in the program files directory, Win10 doesn't accept to write the "newdecod Mpeg2.grf" file because Minitioune is not administrator.

second idea :
Do you have an headset or speakers attached to the audio output : when there is no connexion to the audio output, the audio card is switched off, so the graph cannot find the audio renderer for the audio card and cannot be created.

third idea:
Do you have installed the specific driver for your graphic card?
If you are using the generic win10 graphic driver, your PC will NOT be able to use a "video mixing renderer" that Minitioune needs. ( you will have only a simple "video renderer" that is enough for playing a file as we do with "CheckMiniTiouneDriverAndFilters V0_2b" but is not enough for Minitioune).

no other idea today, so another solution is to do a teamviewer session and I will check directly your computer.

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Dernière édition par F6DZP le Ven 16 Déc 2016 06:06, édité 1 fois.
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: No Video installing MiniTioune_v0.4c on Win10

Messagede W6HHC » Mar 13 Déc 2016 17:19

Hi Jean-Pierre F6DZP,

(a) Yes, I can hear audio when I run the tool "CheckMiniTiouneDriverAndFilters V0_2b"
All LEDs are GREEN…including all DirectShow LEDs

(b) The original complete path is (sorry but I copy path by hand via File Explorer): C:\\Users\Ken – W6HHC\Documents\DATV\MiniTiouner\MiniTiune_0.3c\ Minitiounev04c_pack\MiniTioune_V0_4c.exe

I then moved the location to program files (just to try)…and same errors when I start…no changes!

I suspected my original path name may have been too long for Windows OS, so I copied folder to:
C:\\Users\Ken – W6HHC\Documents\Minitiounev04c_pack\MiniTioune_V0_4c.exe

But, I still have the exact same errors with shorter path…no changes!

(c) The Dell notebook I am using has built in NVIDIA QUADRO FX 770M video display adapter and uses a NVIDIA supplied driver.

I think the main symptom/problem is that Minitioune cannot create the graph. Should I try to install GraphStudioNext on this computer to inspect the grf files? You said “another solution is to do a teamviewer session” ...I do not understand?


Thank you for your suggestions…de Ken W6HHC
Dernière édition par W6HHC le Mer 14 Déc 2016 21:35, édité 1 fois.
Messages: 14
Inscription: 10 Jan 2014

Re: No Video installing MiniTioune_v0.4c on Win10

Messagede F6DZP » Mer 14 Déc 2016 10:35

I suppose that you have the "decod mpeg2.grf "and "decod H264.grf" files in the same directory as Minitioune.

If you install graphstudionext, you can see if you can load these files.
You can see also if you can load the Directshow filter "video mixing renderer 9" ( using ==>Graph==> insert filter )

Teamviewer solution=
you install the software teamviewer
you run it
you send me an email giving me you ID number and password ( and the UTC time when you want that I access to your computer)
I run teamviewer on my PC and I can directly run your computer and see what is wrong. you will see in real time what I am doing;
when the teamviewer session will be finished I will not be able to access again to your computer because the password is automatically changed.
You wil need to give me the new password each time you will ask me to access to your computer.

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: No Video installing MiniTioune_v0.4c on Win10

Messagede W6HHC » Mer 14 Déc 2016 21:48

Hi Jean-Pierre,

I had forgotten that GraphStudioNext was already installed on the Dell notebook computer with MiniTioune (perhaps November 2015..when originally Win7 was on the notebook). At first I was surprised how simple your mpeg2 test graph decoder filter...but then I realized this is probably looking at a TS file (so no decoder is needed).


I had many appointments my morning...I will now install teamviewer software my afternoon (I am happy that it is free.)
The best time for me on Thursday is 2 hours from 14:00-to-16:00 GMT...or 2 hours from 19:00-21:00 GMT.
On Friday...I am OK anytime after 17:00 GMT
On Saturday...I am OK anytime from 14:00 GMT or later

What time will work for you best?

I will send my teamviewer ID number and password by separate e-mail later today after installation.
Messages: 14
Inscription: 10 Jan 2014

Re: No Video installing MiniTioune_v0.4c on Win10

Messagede F6DZP » Ven 16 Déc 2016 06:01

Sorry, I was not at home when you have sent the 1st Teamviewer data and also time is different ...

Well, yesterday I have made the Teamviewer session and the problem is fixed.

If I tell the story:
- Using Minitioune you could not get the video and audio, the square graph led is red : no graph to render video and audio.

So I will try to do exactly what Minitioune do, using GraphStudioNext
1) I load the "decod Mpeg2" graph
decod mpeg2 graph.jpg
decod mpeg2 graph.jpg (50.39 Kio) Vu 44589 fois

The 1st "brick" is the source the receive the TS from Minitioune, the second brick is the demultiplexer that separate the video (pin2) and audio (pin3) streams.
I cannot have a complete graph for rendering video and audio because I don't know the codec and renderers that are installed on your computer, so it is why I start with the begeinning of the graph and will ask Windows to find the remaining bricks.

2) I do a right-click on pin 2 to ask Windows to render the video
decod mpeg2 graph right click on pin 2.jpg
decod mpeg2 graph right click on pin 2.jpg (70.79 Kio) Vu 44589 fois

3) I get the result :
decod mpeg2 graph with video renderer.jpg
decod mpeg2 graph with video renderer.jpg (62.93 Kio) Vu 44589 fois

We can see that we have now the video decoder

4) I do a right-click on pin 3 to ask Windows to render the audio === > GraphstudioNext cannot get the result from Windows and we quit!!!
So it is impossible to create the whole graph, so it is impossible to render video and audio.
We have the explanation why Minitioune cannot show us the video, why the graph led is Red.

We sould have the resulting graph that can render video and audio:
decod mpeg2 graph with videoand audio renderers.jpg
decod mpeg2 graph with videoand audio renderers.jpg (72.47 Kio) Vu 44589 fois

But we can't get it automatically on this computer

In general, we have this issue when there is no speakers or no headphones plugged at the audio output of the soundcard.
In this case, we are using a laptop that has little speakers embedded, but result is the same as we have no speakers so Windows can't find the audio render.
I don't know why, but this is the fact with this computer.

The solution:
As Windows cannot find it, I add myself the audio renderer using ==> Graph ==> Insert filter in the Graphstudionext menu and I get this graph:
decod mpeg2 graph working OK on this computer.jpg
decod mpeg2 graph working OK on this computer.jpg (59.4 Kio) Vu 44589 fois

I save it, keeping the same name "decod Mpeg2.grf"

I do the same with the "decod H264.grf" file.

DON'T create the full graph, only what you see on the picture above!

And now, with these new files, Minitioune can render the video and audio.

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Dernière édition par F6DZP le Sam 24 Déc 2016 08:38, édité 1 fois.
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: No Video installing MiniTioune_v0.4c on Win10

Messagede W6HHC » Ven 16 Déc 2016 18:01

Hi Jean-Pierre F6DZP,

I want to thank you for helping to find the “blocker” issue on my Win10 computer that was preventing MiniTiouner_v0.4c from rendering the video (and audio) on my notebook computer!

I only have one remaining question…in the NewDecode Mpeg2.gph that gets created on my computer, why does the “auto-rendering” NOT choose the LAVfilters for video and audio decoding?? (see JPEG below) I had expected to see LAVfilters being selected for the graph on my PC??

Now I must learn how to use all of the new MiniTiouner features and buttons.


Again, thank you very very much for your help…de Ken W6HHC
Dernière édition par W6HHC le Mar 27 Déc 2016 21:19, édité 1 fois.
Messages: 14
Inscription: 10 Jan 2014

Re: No Video installing MiniTioune_v0.4c on Win10

Messagede F1CJN » Mer 21 Déc 2016 08:40

Hi folks
Thank you Jean-Pierre. I have exactly the same issue for months (with all versions of Minitiouner) on my main W10 computer, so I am, right now, using portables or Pipo for Minitiouner.
I will test and check asap your solution.
Alain F1CJN
Messages: 14
Inscription: 06 Jan 2011
Localisation: JN18BV

Re: No Video installing MiniTioune_v0.4c on Win10

Messagede F1CJN » Mer 21 Déc 2016 16:51

Still blocked
I have rebuild the decod MPEG2.PRF as you explained with the LAV filters
I noticed :
-when I load the decod MPEG2.PRF with GraphStudioNext, and then load my own FILE.TS. The graphics do not change (LAV filters ok) and it plays fine.
-when I load the decod MPEG2.PRF with GraphStudioNext, and then load the F6DZP TEST.TS. Then the graphics changes to ffdshow decoders and it plays fine.
Is it normal to get two different graphs when reading differents TS files ?
Alain F1CJN
Messages: 14
Inscription: 06 Jan 2011
Localisation: JN18BV

Re: No Video installing MiniTioune_v0.4c on Win10

Messagede F6DZP » Sam 24 Déc 2016 08:36


Alain had the same issue.
Using graphstudionext, I have changed the "decod Mpeg2.grf" graph , adding the audio renderer.
I have now:
decod mpeg2 graph working OK on this computer.jpg
decod mpeg2 graph working OK on this computer.jpg (59.4 Kio) Vu 44471 fois

I have save this new graph as it is above, keeping the same name.
Do the same thing for the "decod H264.grf" graph

decod mpeg2 graph with videoand audio renderers.jpg
decod mpeg2 graph with videoand audio renderers.jpg (72.47 Kio) Vu 44471 fois

because your PCwindows MUST LINK ITSELF THE audio and video codec

This is just a sample to see what is created on my computer and saved as "newdecod Mpeg2.grf"
This final graph is not the same on each computer, that is why I cannot give it all already made.
On your computer, your Windows will choose itself the codecs, depending which are installed, the value of Merit they have, ...
So you cannot choose yourself!
let windows do it.
Has you have seen on the post, Ken's computer has not choosen the LAVvideo decoder but the Microsoft DVD video decoder.

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Dernière édition par F6DZP le Jeu 29 Déc 2016 08:46, édité 1 fois.
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

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