Logiciels pour MiniTiounerPro utilisant les 2 tuners ou démodulateurs du NIM FTS434/4335
Software for MiniTiounerPro using the 2tuners or demodulators of NIM FTS4334/4335

Scan&Tioune and VLC in C:\

Messagede DL8RDL » Jeu 4 Fév 2021 16:23


Is there a way to run Scan&Tioune without having VLC in C:\... but in D:\anywhere\folder\VLC
My VLC runs in D:\ somewhere and when I try to launch S&T the system collapses. Could it be possible to define a custom location for VLC?

Thanks for considering this suggestion.

Best regards,
Lenz, DL8RDL
Messages: 1
Inscription: 22 Oct 2019

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