All about the software

Re: Minitioune V0.9beta

Messagede F6DZP » Mar 2 Avr 2019 13:16

Hello Luc,

No there is no meaning with this red color. It is coming from the way your Windows is set. I have not given a color to the "D" value, just let the default value. On your computer, this kind of font is displayed in Red! I will check this, but I have to force the color to black, and it will be black for all.

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Minitioune V0.9beta

Messagede on4aol » Mar 2 Avr 2019 13:46

Tnx JP
BTW : Minitioune is running explicitly in W7 now and it is still in red.

73 Thanks for all the effort .
Luc on4aol
Messages: 7
Inscription: 31 Déc 2014

Re: Minitioune V0.9beta7

Messagede m1cdq » Ven 26 Avr 2019 08:37

I've tired using the upd send config. the ip address is correct and port . but cant get it to work
both pc's are windows 10. I can receive the TS on vlc across the network. but sending commands form the pc receiving on vlc nothing is happening
Messages: 3
Inscription: 25 Fév 2019

Re: Minitioune V0.9beta7

Messagede M0YDH » Dim 9 Juin 2019 08:57

I've used beta 7 for my first two 2-way DATV QSO's and it's very good.
I cannot find where the transport stream is saved when the record button is selected on my Windows 10 mini-PC. I tried using Bandicam in blinding sunlight to attempt recording my first received transmission - no good. Where do I look or is it restored to the same directory as the program in beta 8?

There are now so many settings that I feel a switch between Terrestrial DATV and QO-100 settings is a must.

We've no hobby without Minitioune so thank you very much Jean-Pierre. :D

Bien cordialement

David M0YDH
Messages: 2
Inscription: 06 Jan 2017

Re: Minitioune V0.9beta7

Messagede F6DZP » Lun 10 Juin 2019 07:12

Hello David,

The .TS file is recorded in the Minitioune directory. You should see something like : "F6DZP_28_02_2019_06h44_50.TS" (with your call sign, not mine)

The Minitioune directory must not be inside Program Files directory wher Windows doesn't allow to record files.

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Minitioune V0.9beta7

Messagede F6DZP » Lun 10 Juin 2019 07:13


check your firewall.

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Minitioune V0.9beta7

Messagede ik8ozv » Dim 1 Sep 2019 09:37

Hi folks,
i am a new member.
I am waiting for the Minitiouner Pro which has been ordered.
In the meantime i have downloaded the software ( Thanks to Lucien ), to
see how it works but when i go to run it i get a a warning that says:

Device already used, No Handle for the device, we quit.

I think it is because i ran it without hardware.
Is that correct? Can anybody confirm it or if i need to do something before run the program?
MinitunerPro2, NIM: FTS4334; Parabole 100cm Offset, LNB Octagon Green.
PC= I9 / Win10-64bits.
Messages: 38
Inscription: 04 Aoû 2019

Re: Minitioune V0.9beta7

Messagede F6DZP » Lun 2 Sep 2019 06:40

Hello Enzo,

yes, it is normal, Minitioune has not found the hardware.

remark : as the Minitioune V0.9 is a beta version, you need also to download the v0.8 version that is a full package with others software to test your MiniTiounerPro .

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Minitioune V0.9beta

Messagede charly » Jeu 19 Sep 2019 20:09

looks like this link for latest software download is not working.
73, Charly, DF5VAE
Messages: 6
Inscription: 25 Déc 2018

Re: Minitioune V0.9beta7

Messagede F6DZP » Ven 20 Sep 2019 04:58

you have a bad link to Minitioune v0.9beta7 that doesn't existe any more.(this is not the latest software)

goto the download section in the forum :

download the V0.8 complete package:
download the last version (not complete) v0.9beta8:

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

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