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Help on error Program

PostPosted: Sat 21 Sep 2019 19:41
by ik8ozv
i am having problems to run the MiniTioune_V0_9beta8_9. program.
When i run the exe file, i get an error that says:

Device already used, No Handle for the device, we quit

I click on the OK error and it closes but i still see the icon in the taskbar.To close it i have
to force it with the CTRL+ALT+DEL select the program and close it forcing.

What has happened?
I have also tried to run the CheckMiniTiouneDriverAndFilters_V0_5a program from the Minitioune v0.8 package,
but when i click on the USB TURNER tab i get the following error:

FT2232H has bad device B parameters. use FTprog to reprogram it.

Please anybody can help me to solve these two errors?

Re: Help on error Program

PostPosted: Sun 22 Sep 2019 03:51
by F6DZP

First step is to use TestMyMiniTiouner and put the screen capture with your post.

Device already used, No Handle for the device, we quit

You have a problem with the hardware,
it can be your MiniTiouner that is not OK or the presence of old driver or presence of another hardware using FTDI driver or ...
I need more info to answer. What says TestMyMiniTiouner? I also don't know if you are using a MiniTiouner V2 or MiniTiounerProV1 or V2 or ????

it closes but i still see the icon in the taskbar.To close it i have
to force it with the CTRL+ALT+DEL select the program and close it forcing.

This problem is known and already fixed in the next version I am working

FT2232H has bad device B parameters. use FTprog to reprogram it.

yes you really seems to have a problem with your MiniTiouner, EEprom seems to be not well programmed.

or a bad USB cable? or bad power supply? or ...

Jean-Pierre F6DZP

Re: Help on error Program

PostPosted: Sun 22 Sep 2019 08:41
by ik8ozv
Hello Jean Pierre,
I have used since a cuple of weeks ago as i had assembled it and it worked with no problems.
I had to store it for a wee as i had to take off the dish from the balcony for mainentence.
Yesterday i had mounted again the Dish and tried.
This is what i get now when i run the TestMyMiniTiouner.
If you n eed more details please let me know what you need and how to do it
Looking the Minitiouner from the front( Power connect on the front ) i have connected the dish on the
upper connector and the USB cable on the right connector.
Please can you tell me what to do?

Re: Help on error Program

PostPosted: Mon 23 Sep 2019 04:11
by F6DZP
I also don't know if you are using a MiniTiouner V2 or MiniTiounerProV1 or V2 or ????

You have not answered to my question.
How I can help you if I don't know what you are using.

We are in the MiniTiounerProSection of the Forum, so I suppose that you have a MiniTiounerPro, in another case you should have publish your question in another place...

If this is a MiniTiounerPro, your Eeprom is not well programmed.

If this is a MiniTiounerPro you must have:

testMyMiniTiouner.jpg (138.88 KiB) Viewed 53152 times

When ypou receive a MiniTiounerPro, it is already programmed, you have nothing to do, it is ready to use.

I suppose that you have re programmed the MiniTiounerPro with the data that are for the MiniTiouner, not the MiniTiounerPro.

So the error message says the truth : you must re program the MiniTiounerPro with the good data.

Jean-Pierre F6DZP

Re: Help on error Program

PostPosted: Tue 24 Sep 2019 10:06
by ik8ozv
Hello Jean Pierre.
Please apologise.
This morning when i try to run the program i am getting:




I am using the MINITIOUNERPRO2.
Please can you tell me or if there is a tutorial to program correctly the Eeprom for my unit?
Thanks and once more sorry for the misunderstood.
73's de Enzo IK8OZV

Re: Help on error Program

PostPosted: Tue 24 Sep 2019 20:45
by F6DZP

I suppose that people that have programmed the Eeprom at REF have made a mistake..., you are the second person that have the same issue.

the method to program the FT2232H eeprom is here :

but take care : DO NOT use the template "using NIM" that is for simple MiniTiounerV1 or V2 not for MiniTiounerPro.
you must use the template for MiniTiounerPro :

Jean-Pierre F6DZP

Re: Help on error Program

PostPosted: Thu 2 Feb 2023 14:59
by Jabi
Hello Jean Pierre:
I have the same problem on one computer. On the other one it works perfectly with the same connection cable. What can I do? I have uninstalled and installed the programs again but it still doesn't work. Any ideas? Windows 11...
73,s de Jabi, ea2aru.