Double receiver DVB-S/S2 144Mhz-2450Mhz
build it yourself or buy a complete MiniTiounerPro already built for less than 100 euros

MiniTiouner Pro: Recommendation for display ?

Messagede DG8KD » Mer 22 Mai 2019 18:55


Also got my MT Pro kit (not really good packed ...some pins are bend...not fully assembled yet).
I also ordered the blue box that JP has used.
Now I am looking for a good display like the one it is shown in the blue box.

Any hints / recommendations?

Thanks in advance

73 Rainer
Messages: 1
Inscription: 16 Fév 2017

Re: MiniTiouner Pro: Recommendation for display ?

Messagede M5TXJ » Mer 22 Mai 2019 21:14

Hi Rainer,

I too have got the same box as Jean -Pierre and have 2 x 1.8" Digole tft displays ordered which will be connected to the master and aux usb channels. I have a 1.3" Digole on my Minitiouner V2 and am very happy with it.

73 Dave.
Messages: 20
Inscription: 03 Juil 2017

Re: MiniTiouner Pro: Recommendation for display ?

Messagede F6DZP » Jeu 23 Mai 2019 04:52


For the future , with 2 stations received at same time , the best I like is the 2.6" TFT IPS Digole. as I can display info for 2 stations if the screen is 320x240.

test LCD digole 2.6 inch__.jpg
test LCD digole 2.6 inch__.jpg (103.67 Kio) Vu 43040 fois

Yes I like this blue metal box:

Boitier bleu avec MiniTiounerPro et LCD vue avant_.jpg
Boitier bleu avec MiniTiounerPro et LCD vue avant_.jpg (78.81 Kio) Vu 43040 fois

Boitier bleu avec MiniTiounerPro et LCD vue arrière_.jpg
Boitier bleu avec MiniTiounerPro et LCD vue arrière_.jpg (78.93 Kio) Vu 43039 fois

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: MiniTiouner Pro: Recommendation for display ?

Messagede M5TXJ » Jeu 23 Mai 2019 12:53

I have 2 of the 1.8" Digole displays on order and was planning to connect one to each of the master and aux I2C connectors, would I be better with a single 2.6" display?
73 Dave.
Messages: 20
Inscription: 03 Juil 2017

Re: MiniTiouner Pro: Recommendation for display ?

Messagede f6fgd » Sam 25 Mai 2019 09:07

pour f6dzp

Quel est le modèle d'écran Digole Serial Display que vous avez monté
73 F6fgd
Messages: 5
Inscription: 29 Déc 2010

Re: MiniTiouner Pro: Recommendation for display ?

Messagede MrSat » Ven 12 Juin 2020 20:47

I saw this link in the recommondation

This leads to a lot of different Digole displays and also a lot of 2.6" versions.

Could somebody add a direct link to perfect display for a minitiouner Pro V2? An Ebay link is also good because the shippingcosts are much cheaper then with Digole (shipping ~49 euro!!)
Messages: 2
Inscription: 24 Mai 2020
Localisation: Netherlands

Re: MiniTiouner Pro: Recommendation for display ?

Messagede F6DZP » Sam 13 Juin 2020 04:35


Yes, now price with shipping is better via Ebay.
you can buy it using this Ebay Title:

2.6" Serial:UART/I2C/SPI IPS Super TFT LCD 320x240+16M Flash Arduino/Rasp PI CN

today the Flash memory is not used by Minitioune so you can also buy:

2.6" Serial:UART/I2C/SPI IPS Super TFT 320x240 Display Module for Arduino

verify seller is dig-ole

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: MiniTiouner Pro: Recommendation for display ?

Messagede MrSat » Mer 22 Juil 2020 15:38

All needed products received from China ;-)

Do you have a connection diagram for connecting this Digiole display to the MiniTiouner Pro V2?

A connection diagram of the Minitiouner Pro V2 would also be needed. I searched maybe on the wrong places in this forum but I couldn't find it.
Messages: 2
Inscription: 24 Mai 2020
Localisation: Netherlands

Re: MiniTiouner Pro: Recommendation for display ?

Messagede F1CHF » Dim 30 Aoû 2020 17:11

pour l'ecran c'est celui la ? ... SwuFZcucTJ

et en effet pour les branchements, elle est ou l'info ?
le CHF
Messages: 64
Inscription: 29 Déc 2010

Re: MiniTiouner Pro: Recommendation for display ?

Messagede F6DZP » Dim 30 Aoû 2020 21:44

MiniTiounerPro schematic is here :
MiniTiounerPro V2 schematic is here :

on sheet "2 of 5", you can see JP3: "I2C NIM"
on this connector you have 4 wires : SDA(=data), SCL(=clock), 3.3v and Ground
on the Digole LCD you have 4 pins to use SDA, SCK or SCL, VCC and Ground

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

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