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NIM Error

Messagede dl2ie » Ven 22 Oct 2021 01:43

Hello everyone,
i got the MiniTiouner Pro V2 and i am having some errors which i cant explain. I connected the MiniTiouner and initialized it. After that i did the Hardware checks and i keep getting the same errors. On the "Check MiniTiouner Drive and Filters V0.4a" i get the error message:
------ NIM and Demodulator detection ------
Write_register function failure.

Also Demondulator detection and Synthesizer detection are red. And on the NIM: it only shows questionmarks. This is the output of the Test:

DLL detection
DLL version: 3.2.16
USB channels detection
we have found 2 device(s)
device 0:
device named: MiniTiouner_Pro_TS2 A
For I2C, we will use this device
Handle: 122954960
device 1:
device named: MiniTiouner_Pro_TS2 B
For TS, we will use this device
Handle: 122951464
USB driver version: 2.12.36
I2C initialisation
I2C controler INIT OK
OK MPSSE is empty
Init MPSSE I2C done!
------ NIM and Demodulator detection ------
Write_register function failure

CheckMiniTiouneError.PNG (134.91 Kio) Vu 12352 fois

Just to be sure i also tried the other Test Programm "Test My MiniTiouner version 2.3 D2XX test". Here i also got another Error. It tells me that there is no NIM when i click the "TEST NIM" funktion. The output message is the following:

****************** NIM I2C controler INIT *******************
NIM_I2C controler INIT OK
OK MPSSE is empty
Init MPSSE NIM I2C done!
MiniTiounerPro/Pro2 detected
TS1 led is OFF
TS2 led is OFF
MiniTiounerPro2 detected
LNB A detected at 0v
LNB B detected at 0v
MiniTiounerPro2 detected
LNB A detected at 0v
LNB B detected at 0v
NIM Test
Trying to get the Demodulator serial number
No NIM detected
No NIM detected
ERROR: impossible to read a correct value from Demod chip
MiniTiounerPro/Pro2 detected
TS1 led is OFF
TS2 led is OFF
MiniTiounerPro2 detected
LNB A detected at 0v
LNB B detected at 0v
MiniTiounerPro2 detected
LNB A detected at 0v
LNB B detected at 0v

TestMyMiniTiounerError.PNG (84.09 Kio) Vu 12352 fois

i will also add the visiuals of the tests. I double checked all the connections and everything else that came to my mind. But i still can't see why this problem occures
Messages: 2
Inscription: 23 Sep 2021

Re: NIM Error

Messagede F6DZP » Ven 22 Oct 2021 07:05


your NIM is not detected
1) be sure that you use the good USB port ( closest to the NIM)
2) check the NIM voltage : 3.3v ( pin 5 and 23) and 1.1v (pin 25).
3) check the I2C pins on NIM ( SDA and SCL on pins 21 and 22) . The best is to use an oscilloscope to see the signal.

MiniTiounerPro Schematics : http://www.vivadatv.org/viewtopic.php?f=82&t=648

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: NIM Error

Messagede dl2ie » Ven 22 Oct 2021 21:50


thanks for the reply. As for the suggested solutions:

1) be sure that you use the good USB port ( closest to the NIM) --> I used the USB master
2) check the NIM voltage : 3.3v ( pin 5 and 23) and 1.1v (pin 25) --> Measured it and it's all correct
3) check the I2C pins on NIM ( SDA and SCL on pins 21 and 22) . The best is to use an oscilloscope to see the signal --> I unfortunately do not have a oscilloscope. I therefore could not measure the signal.

Is there another way to find a solution?

Messages: 2
Inscription: 23 Sep 2021

Re: NIM Error

Messagede F6DZP » Sam 23 Oct 2021 22:13


So, it seems that it is the I2C dialog between the NIM and the USB chip that doesn't work.
test and retest the contact of this 2 pins on the Nim and on the USB chip.
it's easier if yu have an oscilloscope.

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

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