Build your own USB tuner . Questions about hardware

Test my Minitiouner v2.0a on V2

Messagede G3UEQ » Mar 21 Mai 2019 11:45

My Minitiouner V2 rx is working fine, passes all the checks OK in filter tests etc.
Works OK on V0.8ss and V0.9beta. I had never run the TestMyMinitiouner software which I did today for curiositys sake and it failed.

I get this message:-
DLL version: 3.2.14
we have found 2 device(s)
device 0:
device named: MiniTiouner_Pro_TS2 A
For NIM I2C, we will use this device
FT2232H NIM_I2C is open
Handle: 7203248
device 1:
device named: MiniTiouner_Pro_TS2 B
For TS2, we will use this device
FT2232H FIFO open for TS2
Handle: 7202840
FT2232H FIFO closed for TS2
USB driver version: 2.12.28
>>>>>>>>>> NO MiniTiouner-Pro connected to USB AUX! <<<<<<<<<<<

I have fitted the resistor and it receives OK on both inputs.
Any ideas?
Andy G3UEQ
Messages: 9
Inscription: 21 Nov 2016
Localisation: Worthing, West Sussex.

Re: Test my Minitiouner v2.0a on V2

Messagede F6DZP » Mar 21 Mai 2019 11:56


I don't understand what fails.

on what I see, all is normal, if you don't use a MiniTiounerPro, you don't have the second USB cable AUX.

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

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