Build your own USB tuner . Questions about hardware

Minitiouner v1 hardware 0.8s software no video?

Messagede on4bwi » Mer 2 Jan 2019 17:24

Hi All
i just install the software and the drivers and like to receive a local atv station but i receive good signals like you see on the photos but I don't see any video streaming?
I try also with vlc player but still noting?

Can anyone suggest what I can do for other things ?

best Regards Willy ON4BWI
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try.jpg (513.24 Kio) Vu 11265 fois
Messages: 4
Inscription: 07 Déc 2018

Re: Minitiouner v1 hardware 0.8s software no video?

Messagede F6DZP » Jeu 3 Jan 2019 08:50

First problem : The led graph is red.

Before you use Minitioune, first test your installation using "CheckMiniTiouneDriverAndFilters_V0_5a".
You will see that you have not installed some tools or codec.

Only when you will get all led green, you can come back to Minitioune.

You have a second problem if VLC cannot show the video, but perhaps it is because you have set/use the good UDP address?
or because the PID used don't correspond to a free channel?

Your are receiving a stream, because we can see 'Bytes received : 285572

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

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