Build your own USB tuner . Questions about hardware

Minitioune v0.6d

Messagede F6DZP » Mar 28 Fév 2017 11:17


This last version allows us to use the new NIM SERIT PRO : FTS-4335 that can receive from 144MHz up to 2450 MHz without any converter.
This NIM is available at the BATC shop

the software is ready for download here:

minitiounev06d_expert_lockSR4000_H264_HD_DVBS2_8PSK.jpg (421.24 Kio) Vu 37395 fois

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Dernière édition par F6DZP le Mar 7 Mar 2017 11:32, édité 2 fois.
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Minitioune v0.6d

Messagede G8VPG » Mer 1 Mar 2017 19:08

Jean Pierre,
Many thanks for the latest version of Minitioune and in particular for including my request to be able to set the DVB mode in the ini file. This is very much appreciated and will help our experiments on our repeater GB3ZZ.
73 Shaun.
Messages: 17
Inscription: 07 Déc 2014
Localisation: Bristol

Re: Minitioune v0.6d

Messagede g4xcp » Sam 4 Mar 2017 10:41

[url]Minitioune v0.6d[/url]
Hi To anyone reading this,
we have been conducting tests to try and receive digital via minitioune and at the moment the only way we can get it to work is by using a fortek star receiver to pick up the transmitted digital picture change over to minitioune and all is well. I am trying to understand the constellation map and what it actually means, for example four sets of dots that form a square shape? or when the display shows the constellation as scattered dots that form a circle? are there any examples to show what constitutes a good pattern. same with vber should it show 100% or half
Just some thoughts on why it seems so hit and miss and that we have to set up with a fortek star first to make an alignment then swap over to the BATC minitioune kit.
we are on most evenings via the BATC streaming website under G3UVR
Messages: 2
Inscription: 21 Fév 2017

Re: Minitioune v0.6d

Messagede g0mjw » Sam 4 Mar 2017 11:55

In the right place this time...

Quick question. The viterbi error rate - is this still valid for LDPC? Is there another metric we need to look at?

Messages: 12
Inscription: 17 Juil 2011

Re: Minitioune v0.6d

Messagede F6DZP » Sam 4 Mar 2017 15:18

we have been conducting tests to try and receive digital ......the only way we can get it to work is by using a fortek star receiver to pick up the transmitted digital picture change over to minitioune and all is well.

I don't understand ' to try and receive digital ' ?? not a DATV signal ?
I suppose that you try to receive a Broadcast satellite station.
when you use a "fortek star receiver", your receiver send +13v or +18V in the coaxial to power the LNB and set the polarization (V or H)
if the frequency is high (above 10.6 Ghz, your receiver send also 22kHz to switch the LNB LO frequency from 9500 MHz to 10600 MHz

if you use a Minitiouner you can sent the power supply (12v or 18v) to the LNB via a jumper ( read the documentation)
a Minitiouner can send also the 22kHz but you need to add a strap
( but you don't need to do that, staying with the 9500 LO freq as the Zero Tuner of your NIM accepts high values)

so both hardware can do the job, but with a Minitiouner you need more to understand what you are doing and how things work.

you have to set up with a fortek star first for switching your LNB as it must be for a specific frequency, but you could work without that procedure.

About MER and constellations,
I have made a presentation in 2012 at CAT12, look at pages 14..16

and in 2015 at CAT15, look at pages 17 and 18
Low SR and MiniTioune CAT15 .zip
(3.52 Mio) Téléchargé 1584 fois

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Minitioune v0.6d

Messagede G3UVR » Sam 4 Mar 2017 23:16

Here is a copy about the problem I we are experiencing.

Hello all.

Recently I have acquired a F6DZP MiniTioune kit with Sharp tuner and pleased to receive a repeater and another station 60km away on 23cm with my 23ele yagi and DB6NT preamp connected to the Sharp tuner. The constellation display on both these signals is arranged in four yellow "suns" which I gather is correct.

Testing with a high power station on 3cm and using my 10ghz dish and LNB ahead of the Sharp Nim tuner the constellation display shows one large diameter circle but I cant decode the picture. The signal strength is large enough to black out my 3cm Analog receiver screen and is healthy when viewed on my spectrum Analyzer. Does anybody know what this large circle on the constellation display means? The station sending the 3cm digital signal can monitor off air and produce a picture and constellations arranged as four suns.

Baffled with this digimode. Have previously taken P5 FM ATV signal on 3cm from this station so its not lack of signal. Frequency is verified correct and various symbol rates have been tried with the same result.

73 de Denis G3UVR
Messages: 5
Inscription: 10 Fév 2017

Re: Minitioune v0.6d

Messagede VK5YYY » Dim 5 Mar 2017 11:34

Hi Denis

From memory we get one quadrant when the carrier locks and the timing isn't locked
Some times the quadrant changes (spins) to the next box
Analogue behaves differently to digital, for example a gun diode oscillator works on analogue
However it doesn't have the phase stability that digital requires (too noisy)
QPSK is a phase related modulation each quadrant represents the 4 phases
Therefore you would expect your problem is timing related......Msym maybe, RX local oscillator, interference, try IQ swap
Is the input frequency to the Sharp on the edge of is ability
Old lnbs tend to be not as phase stable as newer one but still generally work
Hope that helps

Cheers Roger VK5YYY
Messages: 9
Inscription: 02 Juil 2016
Localisation: South Australia

Re: Minitioune v0.6d

Messagede G3UVR » Dim 5 Mar 2017 12:47


Thank you for your suggestions. I was thinking my old DRO LNB may not have a clean enough LO for digital. I can add that the transmitted 3cm signal is generated and injected to the IF at 440mhz of a DB6NT 3cm transverter making the D-ATV signal output on 10,376mhz. all looks clean at the sending station after passing through an EME amplifier chain at reduced level to keep it very linear.

Next week I will change over the Sharp Nim for the new extended range one and see if that makes any difference

We are carrying on further tests and will report back.

73 de Denis G3UVR
Messages: 5
Inscription: 10 Fév 2017

Re: Minitioune v0.6d

Messagede G3UVR » Dim 5 Mar 2017 20:49

Another problem to resolve.

I have recently installed MiniTioune v0.5a onto a laptop running Windows Vista and have experienced some errors running the program. I have since updated v0.5a to the latest version 0.6d and have the same run errors at program startup.

Starting MiniTioune I get an error flash screen saying "Mpeg2 Demultiplexer Set new Pids error" After clicking on the "OK" button the program loads the MiniTioune panel producing a repeat of the first error message so I click ok again and then get another error "Universal Source send data "No Graph"" Clicking the ok box the program works normally producing a decoded picture from a local repeater.

This happens every time the program starts otherwise the program then works fine. I have MiniTioune loaded on a WIN7 laptop and do not get these errors. I would like to get the program working on the Vista laptop as I plan to use it when out portable.

Anybody have any idea how to clean boot the program in Vista?

73 de Denis G3UVR
Messages: 5
Inscription: 10 Fév 2017

Re: Minitioune v0.6d

Messagede F6DZP » Lun 6 Mar 2017 09:32

Hi Denis,

Starting MiniTioune I get an error flash screen saying "Mpeg2 Demultiplexer Set new Pids error

There is a bad PID value in your "minitioune.ini" file. If you don't find where, attached the file here and I will see (hide your password)
Verify also that the 'decod Mpeg2.grf' and 'decode H264.grf' files are in the Minitioune directory.

Testing with a high power station on 3cm and using my 10ghz dish and LNB ahead of the Sharp Nim tuner the constellation display shows one large diameter circle but I cant decode the picture.

If you have a big circle, that means that the Derotator (double PLL) has found the frequency but cannot lock at same time on the Symbol Rate, so the constellations are turning and show you this large diameter circle. Perhaps it follows a changing frequency so can't lock at same time on a fixed Symbol Rate.
Are you sure of your symbol rate? of your frequency? or you are using converter with OL frequency not enough stable or with too much phase noise.
perhaps you can tweek the "pll corrector" for a better lock.

You will be able to decode only after a full lock and all TS leds green.

I will change over the Sharp Nim for the new extended range one and see if that makes any difference

I think that it will change nothing, you will get the same result.

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

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