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MiniTiouner v2.0

Messagede RGC » Lun 21 Déc 2020 15:37

I have a problem with my Minitiouner that I built.
I know it's working as it was tested at a rally by Dave G8GKQ.
It received a picture perfectly from his TX.
I have now put up a old sky dish with a new LNB.
It is a Goobay one.
I set the dish up on to Astra 2e and it works fine into a sat rx.
My problem is, I can not rx a sky picture with the Minitiouner.

I have put the settings to:
In the frequency setting area in the top left of the screen, put 09750000 into the OFFSET box.
Click the PLUS / MINUS indicator next to it so that it shows MINUS.
Put 10758000 into the FREQ box.
Put 22000 into the SR box.
Further down from the FREQ box, below the frequency buttons, check that DVB-S and Fplug-A are selected and that there is a tick in the checkbox next to 5/6 FEC.
Clicked the AutoPid
All to no avail.
Any help you might be able to give me would be very much appreciated.

Messages: 1
Inscription: 05 Juil 2019

Re: MiniTiouner v2.0

Messagede F6DZP » Mar 22 Déc 2020 05:45

My problem is, I can not rx a sky picture with the Minitiouner.

There can be may reasons and you give no detail about what happens exactly.

MiniTioune + Minitiouner can receive very easily on 11996000 kHz SR27500_34 DVBS_ from QO100 (SkyNews, BBC Arabic Euronews, France 24 ...) (TS bitrate about 38Mb/s)
and can receive also most of stations from Astra but not all : Limitation is only for very high bit-rate above 46 Mb/s (DVBS2_8PSK_SR27500 or SR29700 => bitrate>50Mb/s cannot be received)
All stations (not scrambled) in DVBS can be received.

please give a snapshot, that would help for answer.

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: MiniTiouner v2.0

Messagede IU5KZL » Ven 8 Jan 2021 21:50

hi I have been a radio amateur for 3 years, I am waiting to receive ELAD E-TIOUNER Basic. But I can't find the software ....?
Messages: 1
Inscription: 07 Jan 2021

Re: MiniTiouner v2.0

Messagede F6DZP » Sam 9 Jan 2021 05:46

go in the download section of this forum

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: MiniTiouner v2.0

Messagede DG9MAQ » Ven 3 Déc 2021 15:33

Hallo DATV-Friends,

today i got the "ELAD ATV-Receiver E-Tiouner Basic" from WIMO.
What is the actual Software-Version for WIN10 and where can i find it please?
Is there a Software for The Raspberyy Pi4 anywhere?
Many thanks in advance!
Messages: 1
Inscription: 03 Fév 2021

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