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minitiouner V2 - FTS4334LV

Messagede OE8KHR » Mar 27 Oct 2020 09:03

Test01.jpg (207.06 Kio) Vu 22132 fois
Test01.jpg (207.06 Kio) Vu 22132 fois
Dear Jean Pierre,
I have build my Minitiouner V2 and tested it with the drivers and fiklters first. I receive all green points.
Now I test "TestMyMiniTiouner_V2_0a" and I receive the error: hardware incompatible !
Thank you for help, you can answer if possible also to my e-mail: rudolphkh@a1.net
vy73, Karl-Heinz Rudolph, OE8KHR
Messages: 5
Inscription: 22 Oct 2020

Re: minitiouner V2 - FTS4334LV

Messagede OE8KHR » Mar 27 Oct 2020 18:10

Dear Pierre, F6DZP,
please I need your help. I think the problem is, that my "USB -FT2232H Mini Module" does not comunicate with my Computer.
What can I do, must the DRiver be reprogrammed ?
vy73, Karl-Heinz, OE8KHR
Messages: 5
Inscription: 22 Oct 2020

Re: minitiouner V2 - FTS4334LV

Messagede F6DZP » Mer 28 Oct 2020 06:34


this kind of problem comes from hardware.

I think that you have made a mistake when you have built your MiniTiouner V2
I suppose that it is the resistor we must add on the FT2232H minimodule that does'nt exist or is at the wrong place.
Could you join a photo of you Tuner, specialy I need to see the FT2232H minimodule.
Resistor for detection of a MiniTiounerV2_.jpg
Resistor for detection of a MiniTiounerV2_.jpg (101.26 Kio) Vu 22079 fois

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: minitiouner V2 - FTS4334LV

Messagede OE8KHR » Mer 28 Oct 2020 08:45

Hi Pierre,
thank you for Information. I found that the second soldering Connection at this resistor was not Ok, no contact.
After new soldering I receive now a full Picture.
Can you help me now with the following message in the Picture: "No Video or bad codec/PID"
Test01.jpg (429 Kio) Vu 22072 fois

vy73, Karl-Heinz Rudolph, OE8KHR
Messages: 5
Inscription: 22 Oct 2020

Re: minitiouner V2 - FTS4334LV

Messagede F6DZP » Jeu 29 Oct 2020 06:22

That just says that, as you are receiving nothing (all leds are red, you must have all leds green), there is no video to display.

the version of software you are using is very old. Download the last version.(v0.9.9.1)

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: minitiouner V2 - FTS4334LV

Messagede OE8KHR » Jeu 29 Oct 2020 08:24

Hi Pieerre.
please find my Screen shot with Version 09.beta.
I have no antenna conected !
How can an I load also some Video ?
73,Karl-Heinz, OE8KHR
Fichiers joints
Test01.jpg (334.8 Kio) Vu 22026 fois
Messages: 5
Inscription: 22 Oct 2020

Re: minitiouner V2 - FTS4334LV

Messagede F6DZP » Jeu 29 Oct 2020 09:52

this not a video plyer but a receiver. so you first need to receive a DVB signal.
So you need an antenna for local station on 70cm or 23cm band or need a dish turned toward QO100 to receive it

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: minitiouner V2 - FTS4334LV

Messagede OE8KHR » Jeu 29 Oct 2020 16:18

Hi Pierre,
thank you very much for all the help.
It will take now some time until I have my Antenna.
I willuse a 1,20 m SAT-Antenna, because for Q0-100 I already use for downlink and uplink a 0.90 SAT-Antenna
together with my ICOM IC-9700 and with the KUHNE Up- and Downlink Module.
this works very well.
When my new Antenna is ready I will start testing the "MiniTioner" again and Report then to you.
Please have a nice weekend and keep health.
vy73, Karl-Heinz Rudolph, OE8KHR from Austria
Messages: 5
Inscription: 22 Oct 2020

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