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Mpeg2 video stream does stutter

PostPosted: Thu 1 May 2014 20:52
by PA1KW
I've got Tutioune version 0.b4 and is working good!! Excellent software!! Just have one small issue, the Mpgeg2 video does start to stutter after 1-2 mins. I can fix this by switching to different video PID. But after 1-2mins it starts to stutter again.
Sombeody have any clue? Any thoughts are appreciated!

PC is WIndows 8 64bits with Intel-I7 3,4Ghz and 16Gig Memory

73 Koert PA1KW

Tut1600.png (932.96 KiB) Viewed 21384 times

Re: Mpeg2 video stream does stutter

PostPosted: Fri 2 May 2014 19:04
by F6DZP
Do you have this strange effect with all kind of Mpeg2 video you receive?
Have you tested to receive standard broadcast channel via satellite to see if you have same effect?

Jean Pierre F6DZP

Re: Mpeg2 video stream does stutter

PostPosted: Sun 4 May 2014 18:32
by PA1KW
Issue is solved. I did reinstall LAV, working fine now!

73 Koert PA1KW