

F6DZP wrote:Hello,
Your LAV filters are well installed: Your LAV splitter led is Green.
You cannot play the TS file because I suppose it is not in the directory where is CheckTutiouneDriverAndFilters:
the software search for a file called "F6DZP_TEST.TS" , this file must be in the same directory.
If you want to play another TS file, just rename it with this name.
Jean Pierre F6DZP
F6DZP wrote:at the right of Tutioune you have the ISS little square to set.
and you forgot to:
- set FEC only for 1/2
- give more BBgain (14dB for example)
- set AGC PostNyquist speed compensation to 4
look at this subject:
Jean Pierre F6DZP
F6DZP wrote:I don't understand which Offset you talk about.
Jean Pierre F6DZP
EA5FUZ wrote:F6DZP wrote:I don't understand which Offset you talk about.
Jean Pierre F6DZP
setting offset 0 or 9165?
in this moment setting 0
[url][URL=https://imageshack.com/i/nb78wxj][/url] [/url]
F6DZP wrote:Hello
If I look at your down converter specification I see :
"Input Freq. range 2320 - 2600 MHz, Output 1320 - 1600 MHz "
so your Offset is 1000 MHZ as 2320 MHz become 1320 MHz
you should give 01000000 to Tutioune for Offset
Jean Pierre F6DZP
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