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problem with TiouneVideo_V05d.exe

MessagePosté: Mar 15 Oct 2013 00:34
de steinway
Shows gray screen or blue screens and I have to shut down. S2-1600 and Amd 64. I am too far into this to go back. Seems I will need specific instructions all the way thru.

Re: C:\TUTIOUNE\TiouneVideo_V05d.exe

MessagePosté: Mar 15 Oct 2013 14:53
de F6DZP
How! this is very difficult to answer.

This software is old and is used to receive station after having set and receive the TS using Tutioune (Tutioune1600 in your case) and after having leaving Tutioune.

As I don't how you have proceed first, I cannot answer.

After installation, try first to run :
- verifMatos to be sure your card and driver is well installed
and after :
Tutioune1600 V0.3a
check if your GRAPH square LED at right is Green, not red.

you can find it for download here : viewtopic.php?f=60&t=214
and explanation here : viewtopic.php?f=61&t=235

Jean Pierre F6DZP