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Re: ISS HamTV Blank transmission report

MessagePosté: Lun 24 Mar 2014 05:21
de G4KLB
2nd pass for today

Re: ISS HamTV Blank transmission report

MessagePosté: Lun 24 Mar 2014 07:11
de i0kpt
Colin, congratulation for the two receptions of yours at 2 MS/s. You wrote that you had the Lost-Of-Transportstream (LOT) at about 1300 km. At which range you had the AOT?


Piero, I0KPT

Re: ISS HamTV Blank transmission report

MessagePosté: Mar 25 Mar 2014 03:24
de G4KLB
Hi Piero
AOT was 740 KM, I always seem to get better results when the ISS is moving away from me.

AOT 31.7 degrees elevation
LOT 18.8 degrees elevation

The dish is on the ground surrounded by trees and houses.


Re: ISS HamTV Blank transmission report

MessagePosté: Mar 25 Mar 2014 05:28
de vk6mj
Reception seems better during a pass from the NW heading SE. Continuous Video lock for 6 minutes with some intermittent locks on approach.

Re: ISS HamTV Blank transmission report

MessagePosté: Mer 26 Mar 2014 12:50
de vk6mj
This pass was a northerly ascending pass from the SW to the NW. It was a good elevation around 54 degrees and yet it was shorter in continuous video lock than noticed in my previous log entry. Has anyone else noticed more difficult reception when heading north? I first mentioned in my previous log entry that reception seemed easier or video lock was longer during a southerly pass. These data would support this.

Re: ISS HamTV Blank transmission report

MessagePosté: Mer 26 Mar 2014 15:05
de G4KLB
I seem to get better results on north passes, but my house is in the way for the low southerly passes!
Had a similar result to yours on this one.

Re: ISS HamTV Blank transmission report

MessagePosté: Jeu 3 Avr 2014 11:24
de vk6mj
This pass was a northerly pass from the south west heading north east 72 degree elevation. 6 minutes of video lock.

Re: ISS HamTV Blank transmission report

MessagePosté: Ven 4 Avr 2014 01:36
de G4KLB
Still tracking passes every night, extra week has been a bonus

Re: ISS HamTV Blank transmission report

MessagePosté: Ven 4 Avr 2014 01:38
de G4KLB
Results are fairly consistant

Re: ISS HamTV Blank transmission report

MessagePosté: Lun 7 Avr 2014 06:04
de F6DZP
Since Yesterday new Frequency : 2369 MHz and SR : 1300 kS/s

Last pass this morning:
F6DZP_TiouneData_07_04_2014_1h43.jpg (205.2 Kio) Vu 59062 fois

IIS has again change its attitude: we receive best when it comes toward us

This frequency is again very clear for me.
AOT started at 7.7°= 1660 km ( change of ISS attitude) first LOT at 22.3°= 954 km
I had just some lack of receiving under 22° due to some trees and a neighbor house and start again receiving until 15°4 Elevation 1200 km