Re: ISS HamTV Blank transmission report

Messagede F6DZP » Mer 19 Mar 2014 13:35

Report from KAYSER Italia: Thank you Fabrizio.

KAYSER_TiouneData_19_03_2014_10h13.jpg (163.11 Kio) Vu 66793 fois

Max MER 18 dB . About 6mn of video/TS
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: ISS HamTV Blank transmission report

Messagede vk6mj » Mer 19 Mar 2014 15:20

2,395GHz spectrum2.jpg
2.395 GHz 14.50 UTC .. TS OK lock for approx 6 minutes on high elevation pass (73 degrees) in flip mode
2,395GHz spectrum2.jpg (78.92 Kio) Vu 66790 fois
Messages: 17
Inscription: 11 Oct 2013

Re: ISS HamTV Blank transmission report

Messagede IZ8YRR » Jeu 20 Mar 2014 17:14

I also managed to get about 30" of TS decoded using my fixed low-gain antenna (TECOM 12 dBi RHCP helix, pointed at az=215°, el=70°).

To avoid local interference, I have included a tunable bandpass filter in the IF between the cinese LNB and the TT 3200 receiver card (decoupling the DC path with a DC-bias coupler from Minicircuits, and using an external power supply).

This is the data recorded during the pass at the maximum elevation.

2395 MHz, SR=1300
IZ8YRR-200314-092915.gif (45.77 Kio) Vu 66780 fois

The following image is the signal received in the spectrum analyzer, coupled with the IF coming from the LNB. In the spectrum image, the carrier which appears in the middle of the received signal I think is a ringing due to the noise coming from the LNB passing through the filter. Bandwidth of filter is 30 MHz. Signals in the spectrum analyzer are amplified 10 dB (directional coupler -10 dB, line amplifier +20 dB). Noise level displayed is the noise coming from the LNB, which is only +3 dB from the noise level of the spectrum analyzer.

Signal received at maximum elevation (see description)
0950-IZ8YRR_AOS_spectrum_R.jpg (72.2 Kio) Vu 66780 fois
Messages: 1
Inscription: 20 Mar 2014

Re: ISS HamTV Blank transmission report

Messagede F6DZP » Jeu 20 Mar 2014 21:07

F6DZP tiounemonitor 20_03_2014_8h24UTC.jpg
F6DZP tiounemonitor 20_03_2014_8h24UTC.jpg (50.79 Kio) Vu 66760 fois

F6DZP_TiounedataReader_20_03_2014_8h24UTC_2395MHz.jpg (163.42 Kio) Vu 66760 fois
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: ISS HamTV Blank transmission report

Messagede G4KLB » Ven 21 Mar 2014 13:02

Very good results today
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21032014732.jpg (137.53 Kio) Vu 66754 fois
Messages: 32
Inscription: 07 Juin 2011

Re: ISS HamTV Blank transmission report

Messagede G4KLB » Ven 21 Mar 2014 13:05

Very happy with todays activity's, the blank transmissions have been very useful for fine tuning the system.
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21032014.jpg (146.63 Kio) Vu 66754 fois
Messages: 32
Inscription: 07 Juin 2011

Re: ISS HamTV Blank transmission report

Messagede F6DZP » Sam 22 Mar 2014 12:03

KAYSER Italia report:

KAYSER_22032014_0824.png (101.75 Kio) Vu 66746 fois

Radar_22032014_082400.PNG (20.36 Kio) Vu 66746 fois
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: ISS HamTV Blank transmission report

Messagede F6DZP » Sam 22 Mar 2014 12:17

This morning I tried again a pass using at same time 2 PC, one with TT S2-1600 and one with TT -S2-3200.
I stopped the recording too early , so we do not have the end of the pass.

F6DZP_TiounedataReader_22_03_2014_6h46UTC_2395MHz.jpg (151.97 Kio) Vu 66746 fois

F6DZP_TiounedataReader_22_03_2014_6h46UTC_S2_3200.jpg (149.33 Kio) Vu 66746 fois
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: ISS HamTV Blank transmission report

Messagede vk6mj » Dim 23 Mar 2014 19:31

Received ISS HAMTV using 2 MS/s on 2.395 GHz at 13:02 UTC 23 March 2014. Piero I0KPT informs me that this is the first reception of 2 MS/S

Setup: SR2000 - using 1.20 meter dish, LHCP home brew S Band Patch, Kuhne down converter, TT S2-1600, Yaesu G-5500 rotator, GS-232B controller and SatPC32 tracking software.

73 Martin VK6MJ
Fichiers joints
2,395GHz spectrum9.jpg
2,395GHz spectrum9.jpg (167.03 Kio) Vu 66718 fois
Messages: 17
Inscription: 11 Oct 2013

Re: ISS HamTV Blank transmission report

Messagede G4KLB » Lun 24 Mar 2014 03:55

My first RX of 2MS/S.
Lost the TS at 1300KM range
Fichiers joints
1st 2MS.jpg
1st 2MS.jpg (142.32 Kio) Vu 66715 fois
Messages: 32
Inscription: 07 Juin 2011

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