
Messagede G8YTZ » Dim 9 Sep 2012 20:57

When using Tioune Video V0.5d I cannot get any sound, is this expected or have I a problem with the CODEC that I am using?

Card is the TechnoTrend, I must admit the software works very well indeed, running on Vista.

Best regards,

Justin G8YTZ
Messages: 10
Inscription: 09 Sep 2012
Localisation: London

Re: Sound

Messagede G8YTZ » Mar 11 Sep 2012 15:57

I have solved the sound problem! The problem was to change the sampeling rate of the Sound Blaster card to 48kHz, down from 192kHz!

Messages: 10
Inscription: 09 Sep 2012
Localisation: London

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